[artinfo] Fwd: Makina e Riemnimit ne Stacion/ The Renaming Machine at Stacion

Albert Heta albertheta at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 7 16:52:17 CET 2008

///Please scroll down for english version///
Stacion Qendra pėr Art Bashkėkohor, Prishtinė
Makina e Riemnimit
8.12.2008, 14:00 - 18:00hrs.  

Kuratore: Suzana Milevska 

Hristina Ivanoska
Agon Hamza
Kalle Hamm
Albert Heta
Sasha Huber
Suzana Milevska
Milica Tomic & Branimir Stojanovic
®arko Trajanoski
Saso Stanojkovic
Projekti 'Makina e riemnimit' fokusohet nė ngatėrresat komplekse tė natyrės politike dhe kulturore nė procesin e ri-emėrimit. Projekti reflekton mbi nevojėn urgjente qė tė vihet nė pyetje se si kėto procese ndikojnė nė konstruktimin dhe destabilizimin e kujtesės nacionale, kulturore dhe identitetit personal pėrgjatė dy dekadave tė fundit nė ish-Jugosllavi dhe kohės sė kandidimit nė Unionin Evropian.
Përmes ekspozitave, debateve publike dhe punëtorive të shumta, ky projekt do të përfshij fenomene të ndryshme artistike dhe kulturore që i bashkëngjiten konceptit të “ri-emnimit” dhe “brand-imit”, me qëllim që të hulumtohet se deri në çfarë shkalle ndikohet kultura vizuele dhe shkelet identiteti kulturor dhe politikat kulturore në rajon.
“Makina e Riemnimit”  tenton që të vë në pah arbitraritetin dhe rastisjen e përdorimit të emrave, por po ashtu të hap debat mbi shabllonet e padukshme ideologjike  “të makinerisë së dëshiruar ri-emëruese” që qëndron pas fuqisë së regjimeve të reprezentimit të cilat shpronësojnë dhe emërojnë. Projekti i referohet në përgjithësi çështjes së emërimit dhe implikimit të tij teorik, por qëllimi i tij është vetëm ta hap diskutimin mbi politikën që qëndron pas emërimit dhe ndryshimit të toponimeve, qoftë emri i një personi apo i një shteti.
'Aparatusi' i ri-emėrimit filloj tė punoj me shpejtėsi pas shpėrbėrjes sė Jugosllavisė. Shumė gjurmė nga koha e Titos dhe emri i Titos gradualisht janė fshirė/apo mbishkruar duke u ri-emėruar. Qytetet e Titos morėn emrat e tyre tė mėparshėm Velenje e Titos u bė Velenje, Mitrovica e Titos nė Mitrovica e Kosovės, Titograd - Podgoricė. Posaēėrisht komunitetet pėrgjat kufirit janė ndikuar nga procesi i ri-emėrimit s pasojė e deterritorialitetit dhe migrimeve. Ri-emėrimi ka tė bėjė po ashtu me gratė si pjesė e martesave patriarkale dhe marrėveshjes sė pranimit tė mbiemrave tė familjes sė burrit. Inercioni pėr tė bėrė diē tė tillė ka ndryshuar gradualisht, mirėpo ende ka kultura tė cilat nuk lejojnė qė tė vihet nė pyetje ky ritual agresiv nga i cili cenohet identiteti femėror dhe subjekti i saj.
PA.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute - Ljubljana
Partnerėt dhe bashkė-organizatorėt: 
Stacion Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina
Peace Institute - Ljubljana
press to exit project space – Skopje
Cultural Centre “Točka” – Skopje
Gallery “Miroslav Kraljević” - Zagreb

Pėrkrahur nga:
Erste Foundation
European Cultural Foundation-ECF
Swiss Cultural Programme Macedonia / Pro Helvetia Skopje
Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia
Municipality of Ljubljana
FRAME - Finnish Fund for Art Exchange

Stacion Qendra pėr Art Bashkėkohor, Prishtinė
Rr. Zija Prishtine, p.n. 10000 Prishtinė, Republika e Kosovės
Phone: +381 (0) 38 222 576
info at stacion.org

Stacion Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina 
'The Renaming Machine' 
8.12.2008, 2 – 6 PM 

Curatoress: Suzana Milevska 

Hristina Ivanoska
Agon Hamza
Kalle Hamm
Albert Heta
Sasha Huber
Suzana Milevska
Milica Tomic & Branimir Stojanovic
®arko Trajanoski
Saso Stanojkovic
'The Renaming Machine' looks at the complex entanglements involved in the political and cultural processes of renaming. Its main concept reflects the crucial need to question the way these processes have influenced the construction and destabilisation of the memory of national, cultural and personal identities in the former Yugoslavia and South-Eastern Europe over the past two decades. The project examines various artistic and cultural phenomena associated with the notion of "renaming" in order to determine the extent to which renaming affects visual culture and shapes the cultural identities and cultural politics of the region.
'The Renaming Machine' underscores the arbitrary and contingent nature of names, but alongside the philosophical and theoretical implications of renaming, the project examines clandestine ideological patterns of the "desiring renaming machine" at work behind the dominant social machines. For example, as a region overburdened with changes in its state borders, the Balkans possess a history that abounds with the politics of renaming. With the break-up of Yugoslavia, the renaming "apparatus" erased and overwrote most traces from the Tito era, including the Yugoslav leader’s own name, which had been attached to many places in the former country. The region itself has been called by different names: the Balkans, the Western Balkans, SouthEastern Europe, etc., depending on the geopolitical interests and attitudes regarding its integrity or dismemberment. The "renaming machine" has also important implications for gender politics in the way the patriarchal
 marriage contract has traditionally dictated that a woman assume her husband’s family name, thus overwriting her premarital identity. 
Changes in the names of institutions, people, ethnicities, languages, toponyms and even states are usually viewed as the first step in the appropriation, or erasure, of national, cultural, and personal identities, as well as a way to protect long-term political interests and ensure the domination over a territory. The on-going conceptual "war of names" between Greece and Macedonia (that in 1993 was forced by UNO to start using the description "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia") resulted in an international outwitting game that is the best example of ideology of renaming: how the endlessly postponed event of renaming can enable a "state of exception" whereby the power of the "renaming machine" is either underappreciated or overrated.
The Renaming Machine is imagined as a two-year umbrella project comprising a series of events:
conferences, exhibitions, debates, bloggers’ posts, etc. to take place in Ljubljana, Skopje, Prishtina...A comprehensive publication edited by the Skopje-based curator and theorist Suzana Milevska and published by the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute is planned as the culminating segment of the project.
PA.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute - Ljubljana
Partners and Co-organizers: 
Stacion Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina
Peace Institute - Ljubljana
press to exit project space – Skopje
Cultural Centre “Točka” – Skopje
Gallery “Miroslav Kraljević” - Zagreb

Supported by:
Erste Foundation
European Cultural Foundation-ECF
Swiss Cultural Programme Macedonia / Pro Helvetia Skopje
Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia
Municipality of Ljubljana
FRAME - Finnish Fund for Art Exchange

Stacion Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina 
Rr. Zija Prishtine, p.n. 10000 Prishtinė, Republika e Kosovės
Phone: +381 (0) 38 222 576
info at stacion.org


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