[artinfo] meta terrains: paracarto

benjamin benjamin at cultura3.net
Sat Aug 30 23:43:58 CEST 2008

this letter is part of a research project; the objective of which is  
to establish a better understanding of the branches of our arts  
communications networks.

the results of the initiative will be drawn into charts using simple  
geographic information, which will be published on line. these charts  
will map out the scope of this area of the communicative network -  
that of the [artinfo] mailing list. no further information about  
individuals or organisations will be given without request.

all we ask is that you forward this letter to any usual cyber  
communication correspondent you may have, of an arts industrial of  
collaborative nature. adding paracarto at cultura3.net as a CC address.

all addresses sending mail to the paracarto address will be notified  
of the location at which the charts will be published and will not be  
added to any mailing list.

thank you for your time,

cultura3 centre for decentralized space and neuartes.

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