Sára Stenczer stenczer at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 19:11:40 CEST 2008

Call for applications: map 2008-2009

Since 17 years, the Pepinieres europeennes pour jeunes artistes have
the mission to promote the emergence and the mobility of young artists
on a world scale. They are now launching their mobility programme for

For this programme, more than 30 residencies are available between
September 2008 and September 2009, representing many opportunities to
develop innovative projects and encounter new audiences.

This programme is open to artists between 18 and 35 years old, living
in one of the partner countries, and proposing innovative projects
reflecting an opening to the human, social and economic contexts
surrounding them.

This programme for 2008-2009 constitutes a link between mapXXL and its
next edition, which will represent the entire European scene,
extending to new partner countries such as Turkey or Iceland, and
opening to new continents, in particular with Asia.

Starting this year, all applications will exclusively be made online,
on Pepinieres website.

You can also find all the information related to this mobility programme there.


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