[artinfo] Prezentacio nemzetkozi muteremcsererol
studio at c3.hu
Thu Sep 6 21:06:53 CEST 2007
melybe magyar szervezeteket és művészeket bekapcsolódását várják.
Időpont: 2007. SZEPTEMBER 10. 19:00 óra
Helyszín: FIATAL KÉPZŐMŰVÉSZEK STÚDIÓJA, Budapest 1077, Rottenbiller utca
35. (bejárat a Damjanich és a Rottenbiller utca sarkán)
Az Artelier egy 2007-2008 telén induló projekt, ami pályájuk különböző
szakaszán álló művészeket segít külföldi residency-khez. A program lényege,
hogy az Artquest művészeti információs és tanácsadó oldal segítségével
különböző országokban dolgozó művészek és szervezetek műtermet, illetve
műteremlakásokat cserélhetnek hosszabb vagy rövidebb időre. Bármely
műteremmel rendelkező művész, vagy szervezet regisztrálhatja magát az
Artelieren, és az így létrejövő adatbázisból kereshet magának műtermet
Európa bármely városában. A rendszer bizalmi, ajánlásos/értékeléses alapon
működik, az oldal fenntartói pedig szervezési segítséget nyújtanak.
Fiatal Képzőművészek Stúdiója
Budapest 1077
Rottenbiller u. 35.
+36 1 342 5380
+36 70 324 4748
Bővebb információ angolul:
Artelier International Studio Swap website
Artelier is a new online project to be launched in winter 2007 / 2008 that
addresses the building of strategic European partnerships and exchange of
creative ideas across Europe. The general focus of many international
residency programmes is on more mature and recognised visual artists and
craftspeople, people already with a reputation and record of numerous
exhibitions. Responding to a lack of opportunities for early career and
emerging visual artists and craftspeople to engage in international exchange
programmes, Artelier will be available to all practitioners at all stages of
their careers. Ha
Artelier will be a user-driven studio swapping website provided by Artquest
to compliment our existing international activities. Visitors to the
Artelier site will create free online profiles giving written details, plans
and photographs of their accommodation and studio space which they wish to
swap, where they would like to go and for how long.
Other users with profiles can then look for artists to swap with, searching
by language, country, city, technical facilities, size of accommodation and
/ or length of desired exchange. Users can then message each other via the
site, maintaining confidentiality, and choosing for themselves when to swap
contact details so they can talk directly. Artquest will maintain the site
and provide template contracts between the artists for issues like
insurance, so they know what to expect and what the exchanging artists will
and will not provide. Any agreements are between the artists only.
Additional Artquest support will come in the form of our main website and
our new project being developed with Artelier, Artroute
providing support and information to practitioners wherever they are in the
In order to begin, and with a concern for the personal safety of
practitioners travelling around the world, Artelier will rely on a peer
recommendation process to invite members. Artists that Artquest has worked
with will be the first practitioners to be invited to create profiles, and
each asked to recommend as many other artists in Europe from their
professional and personal networks as possible. Additionally, we will be
relying on our partners to suggest and sign up practitioners from their
local networks and to advocate the project widely.
International partners with close ties to their local art and crafts
communities will also raise the credibility of the project and can assist
and train practitioners on the use of the system.
Artroute (http://www.artquest.org.uk/artroute/) is an international version
of the main Artquest website being individually researched for different
countries around the world. Our initial focus is on Europe given the
proximity to and links with the London art scene. Bespoke and
well-researched information and advice on the EU art scenes are updated in
partnership with overseas consultants covering everything someone wanting to
work in the arts would need to know. The first stage of Artroute, a pilot
project with France, was developed through a pilot phase in partnership with
the British Council (France) and artconnexion, an artist-run gallery in
Lille. Artroute is continuing development via a new partnership with Centre
national des arts plastiques
(http://www.cnap.fr/) in France who are funding a reciprocal information
service for French artists considering working and living in the UK, to be
published online in both French and English. Coupled with the existing
Artquest service, Artelier and an expanded Artroute website will provide a
great stimulus and support for the free movement of Europe's creative
Artquest also supports practitioners legal/business needs via an online
legal advice email service entitled Q&A (http://www.artquest.org.uk/Q&A) and
we host the Artlaw Archive (http://www.artquest.org.uk/artlaw), an archive
of art-related legal articles written by barrister Henry Lydiate since 1976
in Art Monthly magazine.
Nick Kaplony
University of the Arts London
65 Davies Street
London W1K 5DA
Tel: 020 7514 8508
Fax: 020 7514 6211
Email: nick at artquest.org.uk www.artquest.org.uk
Please note that I am only in the office on Mondays and Wednesdays
Artquest's mission is to provide a comprehensive advice and information
service to London's visual arts professionals at all stages of their
careers. Artquest makes every effort to provide information which is
relevant and as complete, up-to-date and accurate as possible. Any
information and material provided is for informative purposes only and
should not diminish the individual's obligation to seek appropriate
professional advice where such is required or necessary.
Neither Artquest nor any of its employees, agents or subcontractors can be
held responsible or liable to users of the information or any other person
for any errors or omissions, or for any losses, costs or claims which arise
as a result of relying on such information or advice.
Please contact us if you find any material on the site which is inaccurate
or misleading. Artquest is not responsible for the content of external
internet sites.
This email and its contents (with all advice, information, and relevant
notes) are held in the strictest confidence. Artquest takes all precautions
to protect the confidentiality of enquirers. If you have received this email
in error, please delete it immediately and contact
mailto:info at artquest.org.uk to let us know.
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