[artinfo] A mu ideje / a mu az idoben
martaracz at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Oct 11 00:08:48 CEST 2007
A mu ideje / a mu az idoben
Az Elo (radikalis) emlekezet / VIVID [RADICAL] MEMORY cimu nemzetkozi
kutatashoz kapcsolodo rendezvenysorozat
Budapest, 2007 oktober 11 - 12
Magyar Kepzomuveszeti Egyetem (1062 Budapest, Andrassy 69-71)
Labor (1053 Budapest, Kepiro u. 6.)
A C3 Alapitvany, a Fiatal Kepzomuveszek Studioja es a Magyar
Kepzomuveszeti Egyetem egyuttmukodese
1053 Budapest, Kepiro u. 6.
labor at c3.hu
Nyito kiallitas:
A mu ideje / a mu az idoben
2007 oktober 12 - november 25
Erdely Miklos: Moralalgebra. Szolidaritasi akcio (1972, rekonstrukcio)
Jovanovics Gyorgy: Mennyezetreszorito szerkezet (1971)
Kis Varso: Cyrill & Method (2007/2005)
Megnyito: oktober 11 csutortok, 19:00
Megnyitjak: Keserue Zsolt (FKSE elnok), Konig Frigyes (MKE rektor),
Peternak Miklos (C3 igazgato)
A mu ideje / a mu az idoben
Nemzetkozi szimpozium a [VRM] projekt kereteben
Oktober 12 pentek 10:00 – 17:00
Magyar Kepzomuveszeti Egyetem vetitoterem
1062 Budapest Andrassy 69-71
Koszontes (Szegedy-Maszak Zoltan kepzomuvesz, az MKE rektorhelyettese)
Az Elo (radikalis) emlekezet /VIVID [RADICAL] MEMORY projekt rovid
bemutatasa. (Hans D. Christ, Antoni Mercader, Valerie Rubinstein,
Peternak Miklos)
Jesus Carrillo: A spanyol konceptualis muveszet historiografiaja
11:30 – 13:00
Hushegyi Gabor: A Happsoctol a konceptualizmusig - a pragai tavasztol
a normalizacioig Csehszlovakiaban.
Maurer Dora: Miert? (A magany es a kozosseg kozott)
Elżbieta Wysocka: A Cricoteka gyujtemeny Tadeusz Kantor video
dokumentumainak konzervalasa, digitalizalasa es restauralasa
14:00 – 15:30
Beke Laszlo: Megjegyzesek a kelet-europai konceptualis muveszet
Sasvari Edit: "Igy ne!" Az 1977-es velencei "disszidens biennale"
Tatai Erzsebet: Elo konceptualis muveszet
16:00 – 17:00
Szoke Annamaria: Bevezeto Altorjay Gabor akciojahoz
Beszelgetes (az eloadok, illetve Antoni Muntadas, Hans D. Christ,
Beke Laszlo, Peternak Miklos)
Altorjay Gabor: 15 akcio Marta Minujin-nak (1967)
Oktober 12 pentek 18:00
Magyar Kepzomuveszeti Egyetem, Aula es vetitoterem
Oktober 15 – 21
The Time of an Artwork / The Artwork through Time
An Event Series for the International Research Project VIVID
Budapest, October 11 - 12, 2007
Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts (Andrassy ut 69-71, Budapest 1062)
Labor (Kepiro u. 6, Budapest 1053)
Collaboration between the C3 Foundation, the Young Artists’ Studio,
and the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
Kepiro u. 6, Budapest 1053
labor at c3.hu
Opening Exhibition:
The Time of an Artwork / The Artwork through Time
2007 October 11 - November 25
Miklos Erdely: Moral Algebra. Solidarity Action (1972, reconstruction)
Gyorgy Jovanovics: Construction Pressing into the Ceiling (1971)
Little Warsaw: Cyrill & Method (2005)
Opening: Thursday, October 11, 19:00
with the participation of Zsolt Keserue (President, FKSE – SYA
Association), Frigyes Konig (Rector, MKE ), Miklos Peternak
(Director, C3)
The Time of an Artwork / The Artwork through Time
International Symposium within the [VRM] Project
Friday, October 12, 10:00 – 17:00
Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Screening Room
Andrassy 69-71, Budapest 1062
Opening Remarks (Zoltan Szegedy-Maszak, artist and Vice Rector of the
Brief introduction to the VIVID [RADICAL] MEMORY project. (Hans D.
Christ, Antoni Mercader, Valerie Rubinstein, Miklos Peternak)
Jesus Carrillo: Conceptual Art Historiography in Spain
11:30 – 13:00
Gabor Hushegyi: From HAPPSOC to Conceptualism – from the Prague
Spring to Normalization in Czechoslovakia
Dora Maurer: Why? (Between Isolation and the Community)
Elżbieta Wysocka: Conservation, digitalization, and restoration of
video documents of Tadeusz Kantor's plays from the Cricoteka collection
14:00 – 15:30
Laszlo Beke: Notes on the Beginnings of East-European Conceptual Art
Edit Sasvari: “Not like that!”: The “Dissident Venice
Biennale” of 1977
Erzsebet Tatai: Living Conceptual Art
16:00 – 17:00
Annamaria Szoke: Introduction to the Action of Gabor Altorjay
Discussion (the participants of the symposium, with Antoni Muntadas,
Hans D. Christ, Laszlo Beke, and Miklos Peternak)
Gabor Altorjay: 15 Actions for Marta Minujin (1967)
Friday, October 12, 18:00
Aula and Screening Room, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
October 15 – 21
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