[artinfo] RE: Artinfo Digest, Vol 57, Issue 22 Hozzaszolas
silagiart at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 26 15:10:58 CET 2007
Mikortol, mitöl vagyis mihez kepest uj az Ujfigurativitas ?? A 70- es evekben megjelent ujfigurativitast most minek nevezzük ? Mi lesz a holnap es azutan keszulo kepekkel ... legujabb, legleglegleg vagy ujabbnalujabb stb stb
> From: artinfo-request at lists.c3.hu> Subject: Artinfo Digest, Vol 57, Issue 22> To: artinfo at lists.c3.hu> Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 03:00:10 -0800> > Send Artinfo mailing list submissions to> artinfo at lists.c3.hu> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit> http://lists.c3.hu/mailman/listinfo/artinfo> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to> artinfo-request at lists.c3.hu> > You can reach the person managing the list at> artinfo-owner at lists.c3.hu> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific> than "Re: Contents of Artinfo digest..."> > > Today's Topics:> > 1. bubbles 'N' tanks (China Character)> 2. új figurativitás (kés hugó)> 3. A fény - kollektív kiállítás Egry József tiszteletére> (Imre Bretus)> 4. call for projects for the Artwall Gallery, Prague (Beata Hock)> 5. ShiftSpace Commissions 10 grants of up to $2000, deadline:> Feb 25th (Mushon | Shual.com)> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------> > Message: 1> Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 19:13:24 +0100> From: "China Character" <chinesecharacters at gmail.com>> Subject: [artinfo] bubbles 'N' tanks> To: hello at pestiside.hu, " Kárpáti Zsuzsanna "> <zskarpati at pepmagazin.hu>, "Tim Harris" <txk_05 at yahoo.co.uk>,> "Stephen Pokoly" <raverpoke at gmail.com>, "Petteri Lahti"> <petterilahti at luukku.com>, "Paule Lehaut" <chispao24 at gmail.com>,> "Marit Puranen Marjavaara" <marit.puranen.marjavaara at gmail.com>,> "penny rafferty" <causingarafferty at hotmail.com>, "Linda Tabbouch"> <tabbouch at gmail.com>, "Kate Smith" <sendtoksmith at gmail.com>, "Tamas> Kadar" <kadartom at gmail.com>, "James Presley"> <james at jpresley.wanadoo.co.uk>, " Juhász Klaudia "> <H3229-AM at accor.com>, "info at xpatloop.com" <info at xpatloop.com>, "Klubi> HuFi" <hufiklubi at gmail.com>, "JILL GRIEVE" <jillypeep at hotmail.com>,> "jaraansi at cc.jyu.fi" <jaraansi at cc.jyu.fi>, " Frontális Ütközés "> <toncimaszat at yahoo.com>, " Fónyad Orsolya " <orsi at arterego.hu>, "Stef> Eardley" <stefeardley at yahoo.co.uk>, "Kalajdzic Edita"> <editakalajdzic at gmail.com>, "Elvis Krstulovic"> <elviskrstulovic at yahoo.com>, "eerie tea" <moytron2130 at gmail.com>,> duncanwatson <dwatson at freemail.hu>, "do-gooder the good"> <theshiek at gmail.com>, "Daniel Hutchinson" <danielh at anl.com.au>,> "David Jacobson" <silagiart at hotmail.com>, "Luke Champion"> <lukechampion at gmail.com>, "Mookie Brando" <mookie at mookiebrando.com>,> "Brandon Krueger" <brankru at gmail.com>, "Ben Theaker"> <bentheaker at yahoo.co.uk>, "bullet at dti.net" <bullet at dti.net>, "Richard> Adkin" <radkin at radkin.com>, " René Angoujard "> <rene.angoujard at accor.com>, "Alexandru Polgar"> <celula_lipsa at yahoo.com>, " Molnár Anna " <anna.molnar at funzine.hu>,> "Andrea Balogh" <abalogh at bpsun.hu>> Cc: artinfo-request at lists.c3.hu, info at treehugger.hu, artinfo at c3.hu,> csmozi at estmedia.hu> Message-ID:> <52333c480711241013x470aed27qf17b1ee7d4c586c3 at mail.gmail.com>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"> > We would like to invite you to our next show opening at 7pm Tuesday,> 27 November.> This time it's photos by young artist, Simonyi Zsolt and opening> speech by art historian Lájer Vera.> > Please find the invitation attached and feel free to come!> > Best,> > chinese> > > > > > Chinese Characters> 1073 Bp., Kertész u. 4.> www.chinesecharacters.hu> > ------------------------------> > Message: 2> Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 20:37:30 +0100 (CET)> From: kés hugó <artesites at freemail.hu>> Subject: [artinfo] új figurativitás> To: artinfo at c3.hu, artinfo at lists.c3.hu, exindex at c3.hu,> ikon at hungary.com, ikon at ikon.hu, info at c3.hu> Message-ID: <freemail.20071025203730.92478 at fm05.freemail.hu>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2"> > > > A Csepel Galéria Művészetek Háza> > és a Magyar Festők Társasága> > szeretettel invitálja Önt és kedves barátait> > > > > > a Sensaria csoport és meghívott szobrászok> > > > ÚJ FIGURATIVITÁS> > > > című csoportkiállítására> > > > > > 2007. november 29-én,> > csütörtök délután fél 6 órára> > A kiállítás megnyitó eseménye:> > beszélgetés az â01Eúj figurativitásrólâ01D az alkotókkal.> > Vezeti Beke László művészettörténész> > > > > > A kiállítás kurátora Lajta Gábor festőművész> > > > Kiállító művészek> > A Sensaria csoportból> > Balogh Zsófia â022 Horváth Krisztián â022 Horváth Roland â022 Kondor Attila> > â022 Kovács Lehel â022 Kucsora Márta â022 László Dániel â022 Lőrincz Tamás â022> > Megyeri-Horváth Gábor â022 Sütő Róbert â022 Szabó Ábel> > > > Meghívott szobrászok> > Elek Imre â022 Engler András â022 Kotormán Norbert â022 Zocskár Andrea> > > > A kiállítás> > megtekinthető> > az új Csepel Galériában:> > Csete Balázs u. 13.> > Telefon: 278-0710> > (Bejárat az Árpád utca felől)> > 2008. január 4-ig,> > munkanapokon> > 9 és 5 óra között> > > > Támogatók> > Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium> > Nemzeti Kulturális Alap> > HUNGART Egyesület> > Magyar Képzőművészeti és Iparművészeti Társaságok Szövetsége> > Budapest-Csepel Önkormányzata> > Ferencvárosi Képzőművészek Egyesülete> > Magyar Festészeti Alapítvány> > > > > > > > > > > iWiW Kötelező Biztosítás 2008! Ingyenes asszisztencia, és akár 48%-os kedvezmény!> ________________________________________________________> http://cthandler.adverticum.net/?cturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iwiw.hu%2Fpages%2Fmisc%2Finsurance.jsp%3Fiwiw_bizt> > ------------------------------> > Message: 3> Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 11:46:01 +0100> From: "Imre Bretus" <artendogallery at gmail.com>> Subject: [artinfo] A fény - kollektív kiállítás Egry József> tiszteletére> To: "Imre Bretus" <imrebretus at gmail.com>> Message-ID:> <4bd3cbcc0711250246s7e1c7811ycc14cd0dda1a7215 at mail.gmail.com>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"> > *â?žA fĂŠny"*> > *Egry JĂłzsef** szĂźletĂŠsĂŠnek 125. ĂŠvfordulĂłjĂĄra rendezett***> > *kollektĂv kiĂĄllĂtĂĄs a Volksbank budai GalĂŠriĂĄban.*> *(1126 Budapest, Istenhegyi Ăşt 40/A)*> **> *A kiĂĄllĂtĂĄson rĂŠszt vevĹ' kĂŠpzĹ'mĹąvĂŠszek: *Egry JĂłzsef, Baglyas Erika, BenkĹ'> Viktor, CsĂĄji Attila, CsontĂł Lajos, Eperjesi Ăgnes,> Gerzson PĂĄl, HajdĂş Kinga, Kondor Attila, KovĂĄcs Lehel, KĂśves Ă?va, KĹ'nig> Frigyes, Kubinyi Anna, LĂĄszlĂł DĂĄniel, Medve AndrĂĄs,> Pleidell JĂĄnos, Szotyory LĂĄszlĂł, SzĹącs Attila, ĂšjvĂĄry Lajos, Varga PatrĂcia> Minerva.> > A rendezvĂŠny megnyitĂłjĂĄra 2007. november 27-ĂŠn 17.30 Ăłrakor kerĂźl sor a> MagyarorszĂĄgi Volksbank Zrt. Istenhegyi Ăşti bankfiĂłkjĂĄban ĂŠs galĂŠriĂĄjĂĄban> (1126 Budapest, Istenhegyi Ăşt 40/A.)> **> *Fontos, hogy a programra kizĂĄrĂłlag meghĂvĂłval lehet bejĂśnni, ha rĂŠszt kĂvĂĄn> venni ezt a levelet nyomtassa ki ĂŠs hozza magĂĄval! *> **> *RĂŠszletek a mellĂŠkletben!*> **> *BĹ'vebb informĂĄciĂł*> *Bretus Imre*> *20-415-6776*> > ------------------------------> > Message: 4> Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 20:52:04 +0100> From: "Beata Hock" <gphhob01 at phd.ceu.hu>> Subject: [artinfo] call for projects for the Artwall Gallery, Prague> To: <artinfo at c3.hu>> Message-ID: <47488EF40200001B000086AB at raffaello.ceu.hu>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"> > VOX POPULI 2008> > The Center for Contemporary Art Prague announces the call for projects for> the Artwall Gallery. The theme for the year 2008 being Vox Populi.> > Find the details about the call for projects in the attachment.> > Please, send the proposal together with a concise written description of> its concept to zuzana.stefkova at fcca.cz as jpg or pdf. The deadline is on> the 31st of January 2007.> > > We are looking forward to your proposals.> > On behalf of the Center for Contemporary Art Prague> > > Zuzana Ĺ tefkovĂĄ> zuzana.stefkova at fcca.cz> Tel: +420 731 512 512> www.fcca.cz> www.artwall.cz> > > > ------------------------------> > Message: 5> Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 15:32:03 -0500> From: "Mushon | Shual.com" <Mushon at Shual.com>> Subject: [artinfo] ShiftSpace Commissions 10 grants of up to $2000,> deadline: Feb 25th> To: artinfo at c3.hu> Message-ID: <47488A43.9090106 at Shual.com>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed> > [ --- Please circulate widely between your peers, students and lists --- ]> > November 5, 2007> Turbulence Commission: "The ShiftSpace Commissions Program" by Dan Phiffer> and Mushon Zer-Aviv> http://turbulence.org/works/shiftspace> > Turbulence has commissioned ShiftSpace and now ShiftSpace commissions you.> > Ten development grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded to individuals and> collectives using ShiftSpace as a platform to create new /Spaces/ > (interfaces> above websites) and /Trails/ (cross-web information maps).> > About ShiftSpace (http://ShiftSpace.org):> While the Internet's design is widely understood to be open and distributed,> control over how users interact online has given us largely centralized and> closed systems. The web is undergoing a transformation whose promise is> user empowerment -- but who controls the terms of this new read/write web?> The web has followed the physical movement of the city's social center from> the (public) town square to the (private) mall. ShiftSpace attempts to > subvert> this trend by providing a new public space on the web.> > By pressing the [Shift] + [Space] keys, a ShiftSpace user can invoke a new> meta layer above any web page to browse and create additional> interpretations, contextualizations and interventions -- which are called> "Shifts". Users can choose between several authoring tools -- called> "Spaces" -- that allow web users to annotate, modify and shift the content> of a page and through ShiftSpace, share that shift with the rest of the web.> "Trails" are maps of shifts (shiftspace content) that create meta-layer> navigation across websites. These trails might be used as a platform for> collaborative research, for curating net art exhibitions, or as a way to> facilitate a context-based public debate.> > Go to the commissions site (http://turbulence.org/works/shiftspace), watch> the introductory video, apply for a grant and help us spread the word.> > "/The ShiftSpace Commissions Program" is a 2007 commission of New Radio and> Performing Arts, Inc., (aka Ether-Ore) for its Turbulence web site. It was> made possible with funding from the New York City Department of > Cultural// Affairs./"> -- > > § ShiftSpace.org <http://www.ShiftSpace.org> - an opensource layer above > any website> > > > End of Artinfo Digest, Vol 57, Issue 22> ***************************************
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