[artinfo] Fwd: Winners/ Losers at Stacion (part one): Flaka Haliti
Albert Heta
albertheta at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 19 17:51:02 CET 2007
Stacion Center for Contemporay Art <info at stacion.org> wrote: From: "Stacion Center for Contemporay Art" <info at stacion.org>
To: "Stacion Center for Contemporay Art" <info at stacion.org>
Subject: Winners/ Losers at Stacion (part one): Flaka Haliti
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 17:40:31 +0100
Stacion Qendra pėr Art Bashkėkohor, Prishtinė
Fituesit/ Humbėsit (pjesa e parė): Flaka Haliti
Puna kuratoriale Albert Heta
20 - 27 mars 2007
Hapja 20 mars 2007, ora 20:00.
Prej 20 mars deri me 5 pril 2006 nė Stacion do tė tregohen dy punė dhe dy artistė qė nuk e kanė fitu shpėrblimin Artistėt e sė nesėrmės, qė organizohet nga Galeria e Arteve e Kosovės. Me 20 mars 2007, puna e Fituesit/Humbėsit Lozonjar (1) do tė ekspozohet nė Stacion.
E kom pa njė definicion sipas tė cilit njė program bjen (humb) kur ndeshet me njė gjendje tė jashtėzakonshme apo dėshton tė punojė nė njė mėnyrė tė pritshme. Pyetja ime ėshtė cka pritėj dhe ende pritet prej neve artistėve apo cka presim ne artistėt (nga njė garė e si kjo)?
Ne vazhdimisht flasim pėr korrupcionin e sistemeve tė tjera nė shoqėrinė tonė.
Kėta dy artistė janė kėtu pėr tė na ndihmu me reflektu pėr kėtė proces, me na tregu punėt e tyre dhe nuk shėrbejnė si ndonjė shembull pėr ndonjė vendim qė ėshtė marrė nė lidhje me punėn e tyre. Ky seleksionim i punėve dhe artistėve pėr kėtė cikėl ėshtė selekcionimi im personal. Por mund tė them qė artstė tė tjerė kanė vė nė pyetje procesin qė prodhon fituesin.
Albert Heta
Stacion Qendra pėr Art Bashkėkohor, Prishtinė
Rr. Iliaz Agushi p.n, (Oborri i Muzeut Etnologjik)
10000 Prishtinė, Kosovė
info at stacion.org
Stacion Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina
Winners/ Losers (part one): Flaka Haliti
Curatorial by Albert Heta
20 - 27 March 2007
Opening: 20 March 2007, 20:00h.
Starting from March 20 until April 5, Stacion will show (separately) two works and two artists that did not win the price Artists of Tomorrow, organized by Kosova Art Gallery. On March 20, 2007, the work of the Playful Winner/ Loser (1) will be shown at Stacion.
There is a definition that a program loses when it encounters an exceptional condition or fails to work in the expected manner. My question is what was expected and is still expected of us the artists or what do we the artists expect (from a competition like this one)?
We talk constantly about the corruption of other systems in our society.
These two artists are here only to help us reflect the process, show their work and not as examples of any sort of discussion connected to their work. This selection is my personal selection. But I can say that other artists have questioned the process that produces the winner.
Albert Heta
Stacion Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina
Rr. Iliaz Agushi p.n, (Oborri i Muzeut Etnologjik)
10000 Prishtinė, Kosovė
info at stacion.org
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