[artinfo] Europrix TTA information

Rainer Steindler steindler at icnm.net
Thu Jul 19 12:41:05 CEST 2007

Top Talent Award
is a good opportunity for young ambitious multimedia artists
to get promotion and contacts in 34 European countries.
Until the end of July projects can be entered in 8 categories:
-Broadband / Online
- Offline / Interactive DVD
- Mobile Contents
- Games
- Interactive Computer Graphics
- Content Tools & Interface Design
- Interactive Installations & Interactive TV
- Digital Video & Animations
The nominees (3 teams/category) get all-inclusive invitations to the 
Top Talent Festival (November 23 - 24 in the city of Graz - 
<http://www.kunsthausgraz.at/>www.kunsthausgraz.at), software 
packages, a presentation in the TTA yearbook, networking 
possibilities and will be presented on the TTA Roadshow in many 
Kind regards,
Rainer Steindler
Project Manager
EUROPRIX Top Talent Award
ICNM - International Center for New Media
Moosstrasse 43a, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Tel: +43 662 630408-31
Fax: +43 662 630408-22
EUROPRIX Office: Info & Europe's Best: 
Multimedia und e-business Staatspreis: 
World Summit Award - The best in e-Content and Creativity: 
INSCAPE - Interactive Storytelling for Creative People: 
EADiM - European Academy of Digital Media:  http://www.eadim.org

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