[artinfo] tranzit.hu szabadiskola előadása
tranzit at enternet.hu
Fri Feb 16 12:14:57 CET 2007
A tranzit.hu altal kezdemenyezett Muveszetelmeleti es gyakorlati szabadiskola kereteben
Anders Kreuger sved kurator eloadasa
A lehetseges muveszete. Esettanulmany egy kurator munkajabol
Idopont: 2007. februar 21., 18 ora
Helyszin: Impex, VIII. Budapest, Futo u. 48.
Anders Kreuger a Lund-i Konsthall aktualis kiallitasanak kozeppontjaba a "lehetseges" fogalmat allitotta, amely Henri Bergson filozofiajahoz kapcsolodik. A francia filozofus szerint, a lehetseges nem egy elore meghatarozott kategoria, amely megelozi a cselekvest. Ugy veli cselekedeteink mindig szabadok es egyaltalan nem elorelathatoak. Bergson az intuciot, mely cselekedeteinket vezerli, elobbre tartotta, mint a lehetsegesen valo toprengest. Mi lehetseges a muveszetben? Van-e egyaltalan valami, ami nem lehetseges? A bemutatott muvek, Miriam Backstrom (S), Ion Grigorescu (Ro), Arturas Raila (Lt) es a Raqs Maedia Collective (India) az illusztració, az onreflexió es a felteves modszereivel jarjak korbe a "lehetseges muveszetet".
Anders Kreuger kurator es iro, a lundi kortars muveszeti intezet kiallitasi igazgatoja. Szamos nemzetkozi kiallítas mellett, 2003-ban a romaniai Iasiban megrendezett 6. Periferic Nemzetkozi Kortars Muveszeti Biennale elso kulfoldi kuratora. 1991 es 1999 kozott kulonbozo, az eszaki kulturalis regióoval foglalkozo irodak vezetoje (Nordic Information Office Nordic Arts Centre, NIFCA).
Az eloadas nyelve angol.
Anders Kreuger szeminariumára 2007 oszen kerul sor.
A Szabadiskola kovetkezo szeminariumanak vezetoje Jan Verwoert, berlini kurator es kritikus marcius 8-11 kozott. Jelentkezesi hatarido: 2007. februar 28. az tranzit at enternet.hu cimre angol nyelvu motivacios levellel.
In the framework of the Free School for Art Theory and Practice launched by tranzit.hu
Date: February 21, 2007 6 p.m.
Place: Impex, VIII. Budapest, Futo u. 48.
Art of the Possible. A Case Study of Curatorial Practice
Lecture by Anders Kreuger, curator
The current exhibition at Lund Konsthall, featuring Miriam Bäckström (Sweden). Ion Grigorescu (Romania), Arturas Raila (Lithuania) and the Raqs Maedia Collective (India) looks at different ideas of 'the possbile'. What is possible in art? Is anything impossible? Loosely based on on the philospohy of Henri Bergson (1859-1941), 'Art of the Possible' may be seen as a 'report' on my theoretical research on curatorial practice. The 'operational' concepts of articulation, illustration, self-reflection and speculation are crucial to the practice of the participating artists and to the exhibition.
Anders Kreuger (Sweden, born 1965), Curator at Lund Konsthall and researcher at the Malmoe Art Academy and the Soedertoern University College. Independent curator and writer since 1999. Curator of the 6th Periferic Biennial in Iasi, Romania, 2003, and of several other international exhibitions. Director of NIFCA, the Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, in Helsinki 1997-99. Director of the Nordic Arts Centre in HElsinki 1995-97. Director of the Nordic Information Office in Vilnius 1991-95.
The seminar of Anders Kreuger will take place in Fall 2007.
The lecturer of the next seminar of the Free School will be Jan Verwoert, Berlin-based curator and critic between March 8-11. Applications with English motivation can be sent until Februray 28 to the e-mail address tranzit at enternet.hu
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