[artinfo] GALERIA MOBILA - APEL de participare / MOBILE GALLERY -
CALL 4 participation
oberlist mailing list
ober at emdash.org
Fri Dec 14 21:01:38 CET 2007
-- scroll down for text in English --
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Lansarea Galeriei Mobile explica strategia Asociatei Oberliht de adaptare
la contextul politic si economic local de dupa '90 incoace prin
aproprierea resurselor existente, implicit a spatiului web.
GM se vrea un spatiu virtual de referinta, alternativ procesului de
standardizare si uniformizare propriu actualului sistem si valorilor
impuse de acesta, si isi propune sa prezinte un mod de reflectare critica
si subiectiva a realitatii sociale prin intermediul artei contemporane si
APEL de participare ! ! !
Se solicita proiecte si lucrari de arta contemporana pentru a fi
prezentate in Galeria Mobila.
Conditiile de participare se pot descarca la aceasta adresa:
Dosarele se pot expedia prin email pina pe data de 18 (data
a fiecarei luni la: ddraganov la oberliht.org.md
sau prin posta la:
Asociatia Oberliht
str. Gh. Asachi 11/2 - 45
Chisinau 2028
Republica Moldova
Participantii selectati pentru luna urmatoare vor fi anuntati prin email
pe data de 22.
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The opening of the Mobile Gallery explains the Oberliht Association's
strategy of accommodation to the local political and economical context
existent after the 90's by appropriation of available resources
inclusively of the web.
MG has as objective to become a platform of reference on the web that is
alternative to the processes of standardization and flattening proper to
the actual system and values imposed by it. It will present modes of
critical and subjective reflection of the social reality by the means of
contemporary art and text.
CALL for participation ! ! !
Call for projects and contemporary art works to be presented in the
The conditions of participation can be dowloaded at this address:
The deadline for sending applications is 18 (date of reception) each
month. The applications can be sent by email to: ddraganov la
or by regular mail to:
Oberliht Association
Gh. Asachi str., 11/2, apt. 45
Chisinau 2028
Republic of Moldova
Selected participants for the next month will be notified by email by the
date of 22.
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
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