[artinfo] Flash Art Newsletter
Flash Art International
newsletter at flashartonline.com
Tue Oct 10 17:50:17 CEST 2006
Curatorial Assistant Positi A small, but dynamic contemporary art museum in northern Italy of fers a curatorial assistant position. The candidate should be an
Englis is full-ti activities as wel curators.
In addition to candidate will be requi to English. For further [1]www.workartonline.net
Send CV to info at gal in the subje
Galleria Civica di Arte Contempora Via Belenzani 46
38100 Trento
T: +39 0461 985511/986138 F: +39 0461 2370 E: W: www.workartonline.net
Giancarlo Politi/Flash Art
Via Carlo Farini, 68
20159 Milano Italy
Tel. ++39 02 688 73 41
Fax ++39 02 66 80 12 90
email: [2]giancarlo.politi at tin.it
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