[artinfo] bucsu_farewell

Nikolett Eross nikol at c3.hu
Fri Jun 30 16:29:08 CEST 2006

Kedves Erintettek,

Julius elsejevel elbucsuzom a C3 Kulturalis es Kommunikacios Kozponttol, 
ekkortol ugyanis a Trafo Galeria vezetoje leszek. Maradok az exindex 
kortars kepzomuveszeti folyoirat szerkesztoje, a jelenlegi email cimem is 
megmarad, de a nikol at trafo.hu szinten mukodesbe lep.

Eross Nikolett

* * *

Dear All,

After five years of cohabitation I am leaving C3 Center for Culture and 
Communication, Budapest. From July the 1st I start to work in Trafo – House 
of Contemporary Art, Budapest as the curator of Trafo Gallery. I will 
continue the editorial work of exindex contemporary art magazine, my 
present e-mail address remains but you can also contact me at: nikol at trafo.hu

Nikolett Eross

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