[artinfo] Closing of Mala Galeria

Mark Williamson mark at sculptormarkpwilliamson.com
Fri Jan 27 06:49:29 CET 2006

Dear Fellow Supporters of the Arts,
  It is indeed a shame when the pressures of so-called ecomonic considerations overtake a thriving center of artistic expression such as the Mala Galeria.
  I commend Mr. Várnagy Tibor in sending his impassioned letter protesting Mala's closing, a letter of support for the art community in general, and Mala in particular.
  I have found the expansion of the art universe requires a never-ending seige against forces that might otherwise belittle or discount the visibililty or importance of art to our human existance.  Mere apathy is one of the most challenging foes in this seige.
  The entire board of directors of Sculptors Dominion International (Texas, USA) stand with Mr. Várnagy in his protest over Mala's closing.
  Mark P Williamson
  Executive Director, Sculptors Dominion International

voicemail / fax 1-267-295-8101

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