[artinfo] dorkbot-budapest #3
dorkbotbudapest at dorkbot.org
Sun Apr 2 15:59:34 CEST 2006
The third dorkbot-budapest meeting will take place on Wednesday, April
5th at 6pm at Nextlab (VII., Szovetseg u. 39.)
+ Robert Langh: Unstable Image Surfer Tool
The vehicle is designed to execute maneuvers in virtual panoramas, while
downloading images from the Network. The way we move the LCD screen, we
can examine the details of images in connection with the keyword's
domain, and associate new image searches to them. The position of the
physical modell is transmitted into the computer by a gyroscope,
creating a new sense of reality: the changing balance converts the
dynamical force into a virtual factor much better in our perception.
Downloading the images can be started by the touch screen, as a part of
the floating LCD screen. From the fragments of images panoramas are
constructed, which the montage machine creates on the spot.
Robert Langh has been teaching at the Intermedia Department of the
Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts since 2000. He was an associate of the C3
Foundation between 1998 and 2004, and a lecturer at the University of
Applied Arts between 1995 and 1998.
+ Sota Ichikawa, Max Rheiner, Kaoru Kobata, Akos Maroy: Corpora
Project "Corpora" is a model of intelligent processing behaviour
emerging from a collection of autonomous components. Rather than dictate
the design from the top down, only the basic components are created and
allowed to reconfigure via a framework of open inputs. This structure
could be connected to topographic parameters, weather conditions, human
law, and so on.
The project is presented by Akos Maroy, founding member of nextlab and
+ Balazs Beothy, Zsolt Mesterhazy, Rolland Pereszlenyi: Double Bubble
Interactive participatory arrangement
Welcome on board of the Double Bubble! The next stop is Indirect
Communication. Please latch on to the input of the interface. Our
colleague will help you in placing the sensors. The measured data are
among the indirect elements of the energy household of the human body.
The transmitted energy-impulses will define the movement of the selected
robotic body. Bioanimation starts. From now on you won't have to move
even your pinkie to maintain connection. Stay here, hence of diligence,
beyond attitude, all the way till the battery supplies. Thank you for
flying us!
A harmadik dorkbot-budapestre aprilis 5-en, szerdan kerul sor a
Nextlab-ben (VII., Szovetseg u. 39.) este 6 orakor.
+ Langh Robert: "Lelekveszto" montazs-gep
A jarmu segitsegevel virtualis panoramakban manoverezhetunk, mikozben
kepeket toltunk le az internetrol. Hasznalat kozben a monitor
mozgatasaval kozelithetunk a reszletekre, amelyek ujabb fogalmi
asszociaciokat hivnak elo a nezobol. A fizikai modell helyzetet
giroszkop altal kozvetitjuk a szamitogepbe, ezaltal ujfajta
valosag-erzekelesre nyilik lehetoseg: a mozgasi energia az egyensuly
megvaltoztatasaval virtualis tenyezove, helyzeti energiava valik. Az
egymast inspiralo kepkereseseket erinto panelen indithatjuk el, amely a
lebego monitor resze. A kepi forgacsokból ujabb panoramak epulnek,
amelyeket a montazs-gep a helyszinen alkot meg.
Langh Robert 2000 ota a Kepzomuveszeti Egyetem Intermedia tanszekenek
oktatoja, 1998 es 2004 kozott a C3 Alapitvany munkatarsa, 1995 es 1998
kozott az Iparmuveszeti Egyetem tanara.
+ Sota Ichikawa, Max Rheiner, Kaoru Kobata, Maroy Akos: Corpora
A "Corpora" projekt autonom alkotoelemek csoportjabol letrejovo
ertelmes, informacio-feldolgozo viselkedes modellje. A fentrol lefele
epitkezo design helyett, kizarolag az alapveto komponensek kerulnek
meghatarozasra, melyeknek nyilt bemeneti szerkezeteken keresztul
lehetoseguk adodik az atalakulasra. Ez a struktura tobbek kozott
topografiai parameterekhez, idojarasi korulmenyekhez, jogszabalyokhoz
Az eloadast Maroy Akos, a nextlab es a tyrell.hungary alapito tagja tartja.
+ Beothy Balazs, Mesterhazy Zsolt, Pereszlenyi Rolland: Dupla Buborek
Installacio mozgasra es mozgatasra
Udvozoljuk a Dupla Buborek fedelzeten! Jaratunk kovetkezo allomasa az
indirekt kommunikacio. Kerjuk, csatlakozzon az interfesz bemeneti
oldalara. Munkatarsunk segitsegere lesz a szenzorok felhelyezeseben. A
mert adatok az emberi test energiagazdasaganak indirekt elemei kozul
valok. A kozvetitett energia-impulzusok a valasztott robottest mozgasat
iranyitjak. A hatralevo idoben a kisujjat sem kell mozditania a
kapcsolat fenntartasa erdekeben. A bioanimacio beindult:
megerkeztunk, maradjon itt, a szorgalmon innen, a magatartason tul,
ameddig az elem ellat. Koszonjuk, hogy minket valasztott!
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