[artinfo] Call for participation in: Flag Metamorphoses. First
deadline: July 31, 2005
Myriam Thyes
myriam at thyes.com
Wed May 11 13:37:16 CEST 2005
First deadline: July 31, 2005
First presentations in art contexts (as DVD screenings):
September 7, 2005, Videonale, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany
Oct. 7 - Nov. 12, 2005, Commercio Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
You are invited by Swiss / German artist Myriam Thyes to
take part in a collaborative art project for the internet:
Continuously growing and animated by as many participating
artists from across the globe as possible, the flags of all nations
in the world will be morphed into each other through flash animation.
Although the iconography of a flag while blowing in the wind may
appear transient, it is long-established and changes far less frequently
than the country it represents. Using digital media however, we can
make the symbols dance.
This work will be an exploration into the meaning of imagery on
flags, aiming to create interrelated associations through questioning,
reassessing, fluidizing and re-mixing of diverse national iconography.
To find out how to participate with or without knowledge of flash,
please visit: http://www.thyes.com/flag-metamorphoses
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