[artinfo] Second Beijing International New Media Arts Exhibition and
z at apiece.net
Tue Mar 22 18:23:10 CET 2005
- Second Beijing International New Media Arts Exhibition and Symposium
Presented by:
Tsinghua University, CHINA
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Technology, GERMANY
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, THE NETHERLANDS
China Millennium Museum
May 31 2005 =96 June 30 2005, BEIJING, CHINA
No.9 Fuxing Road
Haidian District Beijing, China.
post code:100038
In collaboration with:
Ars Electronica Center, AUSTRIA
NOVAMEDIA, Australia's New Media Arts Agency, Australia
NTT InterCommunication Center, JAPAN
BANFF Center for the Arts, CANADA
Media Center for Art and Design, SPAIN
New York Institute of Technology, USA
With the resounding success of the First Beijing International New
Media Arts Exhibition and Symposium in May of 2004, 2005 sees another
stellar gathering of the international new media art community in
Beijing. Under the auspices of Millennium Dialogue, and hosted by
Tsinghua University, China's leading educational and research
university, co-presented by ZKM, Center for Art and Media Technology of
Germany and V2_ Institute for Unstable Media of the Netherlands, in
collaboration with Ars Electronica Center of Austria, NOVAMEDIA of
Australia, NTT InterCommunication Center of Japan, Canada's Banff,
Medi at austria from Austria and New York Institute of Technology of the
United States, the Second Beijing International New Media Arts
Exhibition and Symposium takes to the Chinese capital a highly charged
new media art exhibition revolving on the central theme - IN THE LINE
In the Line of Flight - Transcending Urbanscapes
Chinese modernization is, to much extent,a process of urbanization.=
Rapid developments in urban areas mark a significant transformation
creating fundamental reconfigurations of ethnic demography, city
topography, and social processes, as well as cultural and artistic
production and reception. Like in many other Asian countries, nascent
urban centers in China are increasingly permeated by the latest
communication and distribution infrastructures, swiftly becoming global=
high tech nodes in ways never seen before.
In an ever-expanding technological urban culture cell phones,
television, internet, radio, cinema and photography mediate and
construct our everyday experiences. They affect the very foundation of=
social, cultural, economical, scientific and political constructs in
contemporary urban life.
At the heart of this transformation lie excitement, anxiety,
aspiration, perplexity, hope and desire. Artists both within China and
from around the world are exploring this new mediated public domain
extensively. By developing new artistic strategies and means of
expression, they exploit the specific qualities and potentials of these
media. They engage, reflect, and critique the new technological urban
settings and raise questions about the contemporary condition
engendered by media technologies.
Titled "In the Line of Flight", the Second Beijing International New
Media Arts Exhibition seeks to explore the multiple emotions and
complex feelings toward the phenomenon of this historic challenge in
China and to examine the precedents of its global neighbors, by
investigating media technologies in the wake of their disruptive and
deterritorializing potential.
The International Exhibition comprises works selected by a group of
distinguished curators, each giving his/her own insightful approach to
the broad thematic structure, rendering a diversity of interpretations
and raising issues imminent and critical to the fluctuating social,
cultural and economic circumstances of urban life across the world. "In
the Line of Flight" presents representative works of telematics,
responsive environment, net art, large scale interactive installation,
software art, wearable technology, and other new forms.
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