[artinfo] NEXTLAB workshop-ok a Kultiplexben

Akos Maroy darkeye at tyrell.hu
Thu Mar 10 16:40:58 CET 2005


Audio Streaming workshop
March, 30. 2005, Kultiplex, 1092 Budapest, Kinizsi utca 28.

A hands-on workshop, dealing with audio streaming, using free and open
  source tools. The whole process of setting up a streaming server, live
  streaming encoders and producing live streams will be covered.

  Tools used will include:
  icecast, ices - http://www.icecast.org/
  darkice - http://darkice.sourceforge.net/

  please send an email to darkeye at tyrell dot hu to register.

  Workshop is held by: Akos Maroy


Digital signal processing and sensor analysis using Max/Msp/Jitter
April, 27. 2005, Kultiplex, 1092 Budapest, Kinizsi utca 28.

  Max/MSP is a graphical programming environment, in which you create 
your own software using a visual toolkit of objects, and connect them 
together with patch cords. The basic environment that includes 
control, user interface and timing objects is called Max. Built on 
top of Max are hundreds of objects, that do a variety of rad stuff, 
including Jitter.

  Jitter is a set of video, matrix, and 3D graphics objects for the 
Max graphical programming environment. Jitter is useful to anyone 
interested in real-time video processing, custom effects, 2D/3D 
graphics, audio/visual interaction, data visualization, and analysis.

  The workshop is for anyone interested in using Max/MSP to create 
multimedia programs for sculpture, installation, performance and 
technology art in general. This is an introduction, no prior 
experience with MAX/MSP or computer programming is required.

  Gather a broad understanding of the capabilities of max/msp/jitter. 
introduction to many objects, organization techniques, design 
methodology, fancy tricks. presented as lectures interjected with 
experiments. lots of time for debugging and questions.

  We'll cover:
  basic techniques
  data management
  network communication
  external controllers
  generating/processing/analyzing sound and video

  What you'll need:
  computer (laptops are nice)
  Msx/Msp/Jitter (30 day demo available from http://cycling74.com  )

  What you might also want to bring (optional):
  firewire video camera

  please send an email to tszakal at nextlab dot hu to register.

  Workshop is held by: Tamas Szakal, media artist


Low cost alternatives in art-technology projects May 25. 2005, 
Kultiplex, 1092 Budapest, Kinizsi utca 28.

Art-technology hands-on workshop, that investigates low cost 
alternatives in art-technology projects and how to work with them. We 
will learn how to make wearable digital sound generators, using 
electronic sensors and basic concepts of physical interactiviy.

  Workshop is held by: Adam Somlai-Fischer architect, Tamas Szakal, media artist

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