[artinfo] Fwd: tv-tv launches

Janos Sugar sj at c3.hu
Tue Mar 1 11:57:29 CET 2005

>>From: Simon Sheikh <post at simonsheikh.net>
>>Date: 28 February 2005 9:33:42 PM
>>Subject: tv-tv launches
>>tv-tv will be on the air March 2, 2005. tv-tv 
>>is a new tv-project created by a group of 
>>artists and cultural producers, aiming to 
>>establish a fantastic-living-critical 
>>counter-public platform in Copenhagen, Denmark.
>>tv-tv invites you to join the party and first 
>>live transmission on Thursday, March 3, from 
>>10pm onwards. There will be a bar and djs. The 
>>live transmission will be from 11pm till 1am. 
>>tv-tv's studio is located in Folkets Hus, 
>>Stengade 50, 2200 Copenhagen N.
>>Tv-program week 9:
>>Tuesday March 1., 23.00 - 01.00: Highlights from TV STOP.
>>Wednesday March 2., 23.00 - 00:30: tv-tv will 
>>be broadcasting; the story of the project will 
>>be presented..
>>Thursday March 3., 23.00 - 01:00: Live transmission and party.
>>tv-tv will be sending regularly on Kanal 
>>København (TV STOP/UNG TV) tuesdays btw.. 11pm 
>>and 1am, wednesdays btw 11 and 12:30 pm and 
>>thursdays btw. 11pm and 1am. Check in on 
>>tv-tv consists of Kristina Ask, Stine Eriksen, 
>>Joachim Hamou, Kent Hansen, Henriette Heise, 
>>Christian Hillesøe, Ulla Hvejsel, Jakob 
>>Jakobsen, Marie Reynolds, Katya Sander, Simon 
>>Sheikh and Lukas Swenninger.
>>tv-tv manifesto
>>tv-tv is everyone's television. Today it has 
>>become easy to produce tv. Technical innovation 
>>has it made possible to produce television with 
>>your own equipment. We will use and misuse all 
>>possible tools to make tv. tv-tv is broadcast 
>>quality on our terms: everyone can make tv.
>>tv-tv is self-organized tv, neither the state's 
>>apparatus nor the market's tv. tv-tv is a 
>>network of independent producers who all are 
>>longing to make tv. tv-tv wants to break the 
>>traditional monopoly of the means of production 
>>and right to broadcast.
>>tv-tv is publicness. We see tv as an active 
>>part of the public sphere in which society is 
>>mediated. tv-tv is an effort to produce another 
>>public sphere.
>>tv-tv is investigating tv. we want to 
>>experiment with tv, make time for an 
>>investigation of tv's possibilities and break 
>>with the rhythms offered by most tv channels. 
>>We will refuse ratings based generalizations of 
>>what people want, and rather investigate tv as 
>>a setting for communication. We want to break 
>>the monotony that characterizes tv today.
>>tv-tv is tv of the everyday. With tv-tv we will 
>>create a public based on everyday experience in 
>>Copenhagen and around the world. tv-tv will be 
>>a station with a short distance between being 
>>on the street and being on the air. We shall 
>>attempt a direct and diverse mode of address, 
>>taking its point of view in the passions we 
>>encounter and the abilities we establish.
>>tv-tv is critical tv. We do not aim to reflect 
>>society, and we will try to abolish the 
>>'viewer' as a passive consumer. We will not 
>>just produce tv: we will produce tv-tv.

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