[artinfo] Cinema_C: call for submissions
info at nmartproject.net
Tue Jan 11 15:15:24 CET 2005
Cinematheque at MediaCentre
announces the opening of Cinema_C
by launching a special call for submissions
(can be also downloaded from
<http://service.nmartproject.net/calls/call_cinemac.htm> )
O-C-I-N ´
Online Cinema - Interactive Narratives
Deadline 1 April 2005
is a new project environment going down to
experimental forms of cinema in an online context.
Until now, the spaces of Cinematheque were mainly presenting streaming video
works of different kind and interactivity played basically rather
a certain role concerning interface design than a conceptional component of the art works themselves.
Cinema_C and "O-C-I-N" will focus on the conceptional role of interactivity
as a basic component for a new film creation
by involving the user actively in the process and progress of story telling.
The participating artist or artists collaborative
are free to choose and develop their story and the specific way
they allow/enforce the user to take influence on the progress of the story
in a conceptional and technological concern,
and these represent also the basic conditions for creating the art work
Although, the call is mainly focussing on two digital output formats
i.e. Flash .swf and Shockwave Director .dcr,
which may include all possible media files (digital video etc),
also other Internet compatible and cross-platform programming environments may be considered
on request.
The artist/artists collectives are invited to submit one work only and make the work
online available for preview or download,
once the work is selected it has to be submitted completely including all
files, so that Cinematheque is able to post and host the work online.
Cinematheque is neither commssioning, nor aquiring any work,
but hosting the art work "only", the best way to make
the works available for permanent to the online audience.
The artists/artists collective keep all rights on their works.
No fee!!
These are the technological specifications for the project to be submitted:
screen resolution: 1024x764 px (also maximum project dimensions)
output file formats/submission format: Flash .swf/html, Shockwave Director .dcr/html,
other formats on request
cross platform
project size: no limit
year: 2001-2005
Please use this form for submitting:
1.name of artist(s), email address(es), URL(s)
(in case of an artists collective plase credit all participants properly)
2. short biography/CV (not more than 300 words each)
3. 1 work/project only -->title, year of production
a) URL of the posted work online
b) URL from where the project file(s) can be downloaded
4. work description (story included, not more than 500 words)
5. screenshot (.jpeg, max. 800x600 px)
The submitter(s) declares and confirms
that he/she/they is/are holding all rights on the submission
and give permission to include the submitted work
in "Cinematheque" online/offline environment until revoke.
Signed by (submitter)
Please send the complete submission to
mediacentre at le-musee-divisioniste.org <mailto:mediacentre at le-musee-divisioniste.org>
subject: Cinema_C
Deadline 1 April 2005.
This call can be also downloaded from
Cinematheque at Mediacentre
www.le-musee-divisioniste.org/mediacentre <http://www.le-musee-divisioniste.org/mediacentre>
is part of
www.nmartproject.net <http://www.nmartproject.net>
contact: info at nmartproject.net <mailto:info at nmartproject.net>
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