[artinfo] workshops new media

Tim Martens martenstim at planetinternet.be
Sat May 8 19:00:33 CEST 2004

Four workshops new media
September, Oostende, Belgium

Call for participation - Deadline 15th of June 2004
Initiative and organisation : vzw CARGO asbl
Support : VAF Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds
Location : Oostende, Belgium
Period : September 2004 (4 workshops, 5 days each)
Participation fee : 150 EUR


The workshops introduce methods of creating media 
in networked environments (web, tools, 
interactive installation modules, game-structures 
and weblog/cam community platforms). They 
investigate the kind of places these methods and 
forms of creation might occupy within computing 
and wireless communication.

The workshops welcome all those who can't stop 
making media and creating works that involve or 
incorporate new media, emerging technologies, 
and/or electronic art, design and tools. They 
draw on a combined background of art, (wireless) 
technology, architecture, game, interaction 
design and web.


Four workshops: Four practices

Workshop1 : Open content
What we hope to find with 
<http://www.becoming.be,>www.becoming.be, is not 
just new prototypes for making media online, but 
essentially a tool, with which we can contribute 
better and more actively and creatively to 
already existing systems, around which 
fellowships are being formed. Open content is 
essentially about creation and close 
communication, in environments of communal 
Your mentor : Nicolas Malève.
Please try this context : 
<http://www.becoming.be>www.becoming.be (a new 
tool by Dominique Callewaert, developed as a 
research project for the Jan Van Eyck Academy, 

Workshop 2 : Mediacreation in network context
We think that the strength of having an 
audiovisual work on the Web does not come out of 
a well designed and accessible presentation of 
the final (eventually streamed) result, but out 
of online prototypes, that offer entries for 
visitors to get into the ways and procedures that 
finally resulted in the final work.
More mentors : Stefaan Decostere, Bart Goossens and Jeroen Peys.
Invest this context : mEYEtime, as site and as surveillance (game) platform.

Workshop 3 : Narrative structures in rich interactive environments
The latest technological tools (sms/gsm, wireless 
computing/communication) point to the development 
of new types of interactions in an enhanced media 
and network environment. This is the context for 
the development of innovative playgrounds which 
explore new patterns for sharing content, for 
exchanging experiences and practices, and for 
interacting together. What type of scenarios, how 
to create dynamic interactions triggering 
"interesting" behaviors and exchanges, how to 
design system of rules for these specific worlds 
embedded in the physical realities?
Your mentor : Yves Bernard.
Develop this context : mEYEtime, extended with interactive modules.

Workshop 4 : Enhanced TV
Imagine a world where there are two kinds of 
media power : one comes through media 
concentration, where any message gets authority 
simply by being broadcast on network television; 
the other comes through grass-roots 
intermediaries, where a message gains visibility 
only if it is deemed relevant to loose network of 
diverse publics. Broadcasting will place issues 
on the national agenda; bloggers will reframe 
those issues for different publics.
Your mentor : Jensen Dehaes.
Challenge the context : local tv, radio, docside CANVAS (with some reserve).
During the workshops a special environment will 
be set up in an empty house in the port of 
Oostende. The framework of this environment is 
mEYEtime, a shared platform for creative work 
exploring the playful, emotional and appropriate 
incorporation of technology into everyday 
creative practice.

mEYEtime is a surveillance game-platform. It will 
be proposed to the participants as an unfinished 
installation, to be completed and defined by them 
during the workshops in September. It is a 
toolkit with surveillance cameras, gsm's and a 
specially designed webplatform.

Participants are invited to appropriate the space 
and to fill its many rooms with objects of their 
own. They can install surveillance camera's. 
Build a world. They can investigate a room and 
suggest a story. Who is the owner of that room? 
They can propose a map; suggest some entries; 
invent some rules. They can design an 
intervention or system. They can prototype an 
experience and take it public.
For all further descriptions about the workshops, 
updates and mentors please check 
On this forum you access the form to REGISTER, or 
go to 
After registration you will be invited on the info day, 5th of June in Brussels

*** Please forward this mail to anyone who might be interested ***

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