[artinfo] Exhibit in Context
Földy Krisztina Lilla
foldyl at freemail.hu
Wed Mar 24 14:01:10 CET 2004
Építészeti szeminárium a Centrális Galériában
A két héttel ezelőtt elindított Exhibit in Context - Stalin Cities című
szeminárium-sorozat keretében csütörtökön és pénteken Anca Ginavar
és Vera Marin tart szemináriumot
"Inhabiting Bucharest’s edges: ”Old” socialist housing estates
vs. “new” capitalist suburbiadevelopments and the current dynamic of
the urban development” címmel a Centrális Galériában.
Időpont: 1o-13 óra, március 25-26.
Helyszín: Centrális Galéria (Bp., V., Nádor u. 11.)
Az előadásokat Vera Marin és Anca Ginavar egymás után, közösen
tartja. Csütörtökön az első előadáson Vera Marin leírja a város
perifériájának jelenlegi képét tekintettel a kommunista lakótelepek, a
lakóparkok és a most elterjedő egyéni kezdeményezések városi és
építészeti formáira. A második előadás a városfejlesztés jelenlegi
állapotát a politikai krízis, a kormányzás és a 21. századi demokrácia
felépítése szempontjából elemzi. A pénteki előadások a témát
gyakorlati oldalról, esettanulmányokon keresztül mutatják be. Az első
előadó Bucharest külvárosának szociológiai összefüggéseire kérdez rá,
a második előadás pedig a jelenlegi helyzetet három olyan projekttel
demonstrálja, melyben az előadó tervezőként részt vett.
Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!
The Center for Arts and Culture at CEU cordially invites you to the
presentations on
“Inhabiting Bucharest’s edges: ”Old” socialist housing estates
vs. “new” capitalist suburbia developments and the current dynamic of
the urban development” by
Vera Marin and Anca Ginavar ("Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and
Urban Planning, Bucharest) in the Galeria Centralis.
Time: 10. a.m. - 13. p.m., on March 25 and 26
Location: Galeria Centralis (Bp., 5th district, Nador u. 11.)
Based on the agreement between the Open Society Archives (OSA) and
Center for Arts and Culture (CAC), a series of special seminars and
discussions are linked to each actual exhibition presented at the
Galeria Centralis from March 2004 onwards. The aim is to contextualize
the exhibitions by reflecting on the displays from the point of view of
the social sciences, humanities and arts; to analyze and understand
better the displayed materials and their socio-cultural contexts
(traditions, heritages, environments, experiences etc.); and to discuss
related but more general topics inspired by the collection. The
first “experimental seminar” is connected to the Six Stalin Cities-
Two weeks ago three presentations focused on “Cultural Memory &
Built Environment in Post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe” by
Svetla I. Kazalarska (Department of Cultural Studies, Sofia
University "St. Kliment Ochridski", Bulgaria). Last week Luchezar
Boyadjiev, the well-known Bulgarian visual artist gave lectures on “The
Construction of Consumer Identity in Public Space. Visual Interface of
the Post-socialist city.”
>From Monday to Wednesday presentations were given by Bogdan
Popovici, archivist from Brasov who also contributed to the formation of
the Stalin Cities exhibition. His seminars focused on "Aspects of
propaganda and urban planning in Romanian Stalin City in ‘1950s”.
On Thursday and on Friday there will be joint seminars presented by
Vera Marin and Anca Ginavar. The first Thursday presentation describes
the current situation of inhabiting the edges of the city regarding urban
and architectural forms of the communist housing estates, the so-
called “residential parks” and the individual initiatives. The second one
analyzes the current state of the art of the urban development
regarding the crisis of politics, the end of territories and the
governance, trying to elaborate a new method in order to build the
democracy of 21st century.
Friday presentations show the practicalities of the issue. The first one
searches for explanations of urban planning, housing real estate
market, social strata and games of interest for Bucharest’s edges. The
second Friday presentation tries to illustrate and to interpret the
current development of the northern part of Bucharest presenting 3
projects were the lecturer was directly involved during her practical
activity as urban planner in a private office and as well as an NGO
You are very welcome to participate!
Lilla Foldy
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