[artinfo] [Fwd]competition for underground films: Flirt!

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Sat Jun 19 13:53:42 CEST 2004

Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 12:48:05 +0200
From: Bitfilm Festival <aaron at bitfilm.de>
Subject: New competition for underground films

mind the gap! The Bitfilm Festival is looking for the best films
tailor-made for screens in the Hamburg underground trains. The
nominated films will be shown for four weeks to several million people
who use the "Hamburg Tube".

The motto of this year's competition: FLIRT. Passionate subway riders
know: there is a lot going on in the underground. You can get quite
close to people you haven't met before. The first 25 seconds can decide
about your relationship to a person. Sometimes a brief eye contact may
lead to eternal love...

All kinds of films may be submitted to this category, whether animated
or live-action, shot in a subway, a bus or an elevator.

More information and submissions under http://www.bitfilm-festival.org

The Bitfilm team

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