[artinfo] Call for Participation-ALT+CTRL Festival of Independent and Alternative Games (fwd)

Andrea Szekeres asz at c3.hu
Tue Apr 20 18:40:21 CEST 2004

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 08:43:19 -0700
From: Carol Hobson <chobson at ucsd.edu>
To: chobson at ucsd.edu
Subject: Call for Participation-ALT+CTRL Festival of Independent and
    Alternative Games

Festival of Independent and Alternative Games

Fall 2004
Beall Center for Art and Technology
University of California Irvine

UC Irvine's Cal-(IT)2 Game Culture & Technology Lab and Beall Center
of Art and Technology invite participation in ALT+CTRL, a festival of
independent and alternative games. Modeled after the Beall Center's
successful 2000 exhibition SHIFT+CTRL
<http://beallcenter.uci.edu/shift/home.html>, ALT+CTRL provides a
juried venue outside the mainstream game industry to showcase the
latest independent games and game art. ALT+CTRL seeks to cultivate a
vibrant independent game community, and bring both the game industry
and the general public new and novel applications in game design,
game genres, design methodologies and approaches to game play.

For sponsors, ALT+CTRL provides an opportunity to support independent
game developers, artists and modders who are pushing the envelope of
what games are and can be. The exhibition and conference will provide
exposure to a projected audience of over 2500 indy developers, game
industry publishers, and game fans.

For information, to place an online submission, or to learn more
about sponsorship opportunities, please visit:

Presented by:
Cal-(IT)2 Game Culture &  Technology Lab: http://www.ucgamelab.net
Beall Center for Art and Technology: http://beallcenter.uci.edu

Please circulate to interested parties or post to appropriate lists.

Game Culture & Technology Lab mailing list-If you are receiving
duplicate mailings, would like to have someone added to, or would
like to be removed from this list, please contact celiap at uci.edu.

Carol J. Hobson
New Media Arts Manager
chobson at ucsd.edu
(858) 534-4383, fax: (858) 534-7944

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