[artinfo] NFF04 Vancouver - Call for Submissions
camib at TELUS.NET
Thu Apr 1 10:49:55 CEST 2004
Deadline: May 14th, 2004
The New Forms Festival is an annual event highlighting emerging forms at the
junction of art, culture and technology. It includes performances,
panel discussions, workshops, and interactive exhibits on contemporary
Media Arts issues. The NFF environment encourages new forms of Media Art to
be created, experienced, and understood. NFF04 will be held in Vancouver,
BC, from October 14 to 28, 2004. The theme is TECHNOGRAPHY: the inscription
of culture in technology.
NFF04: TECHNOGRAPHY is a forum to explore and embody these inscriptions in
the form of artistic expression and discourse.
NFF04: TECHNOGRAPHY looks at the ways in which cultures inhabit and
transform media spaces and technologies.
NFF04:TECHNOGRAPHY will bring together practitioners and theorists from
across grassroots, gallery academy and academic contexts and
provide a platform for conversations among the diverse voices of
contemporary digital regionalism.
NFF04: TECHNOGRAPHY programming incorporates the principles found within an
ecological model of the cultural sphere: complexity, variety and
balance. Like nature, culture is also a changing phenomenon, affected by
the ways in which technology inhabits the environment and relates to it.
Call for proposals for projects, presentations and performances
Proposals are invited for four areas of the festival: the Conference, the
Exhibition (digital art, performance, installation, immersive environments,
Net.Art), Performance Series (sound art, performance art, live film/AV) and
Late Night Events (music, visuals, post-digital, laptop, group performance,
Gallery Exhibition/Events/Workshops
This year the Exhibition (Gallery and Net Art), Performance Series, and Late
Night Events will present a range of works that embody and interpret the
theme of TECHNOGRAPHY as defined above.
For more details, see <http://www.newformsfestival.com/>
The NFF04 Conference, Old And New Forms , negotiates new global parameters
for contemporary media culture, as it charts a post-traditional
'technography' of world Media Arts. The post-traditional is what remains of
modernism and postmodernism when modernization is abandoned as an unfinished
and unachievable project. While the post-traditional view is clearly
meaningful in the post-colonial and developing spheres, Old And New Forms
posits that it is equally germane to the global post-industrial scenario as
a whole.
For more details, see <http://www.newformsfestival.com/>
Artists, speakers and media artwork selected for The New Forms Festival
should manifest multiple themes, mediums, and modes of expression, exploring
a distinct genre.
NFF04 encourages works that fall into the following genres or
* Acoustic ecology
* Alternative narrative
* Artificial Reality
* Collaborative design
* Cultural Ecology
* Culturally reflective computing
* Cyberfeminism
* Cyborg Fashion
* Digital Animation
* Digital Regionalism
* Electronic Gaming
* Expanded Cinema
* Grassroots media culture
* Immersive Environments
* Indigenous media initiatives
* Interaction design
* Interface Design and Development
* Live club performance
* Mediated Movement
* Networked Art
* Online communities
* Online Video
* Poetics of technology and development
* Post-media or networked activism
* Post-traditional Theory
* Robotics
* Sacred art and digital technology
* Sound art
* Sound Sculpture
* Technology and embodiment
* Technology and the natural environment
* Telematic Performance
* Wireless and wearable computing
Some genres explore collaborative and improvisational components or "live"
artworks, created for the festival.
The festival encourages artworks that are process-oriented, continually
evolving and in transformation, which are facilitated through technological
and ideological means.
Artists, scholars, developers and practitioners working in New Media Art
are invited to submit proposals for projects, performances, presentations,
papers and panels by May 14, 2004.
We ask artists/researchers to demonstrate the following:
* A strong portfolio of media arts pieces that demonstrate their ability and
involvement in the New Media Arts community - although emerging artists are
encouraged to apply.
* Computer knowledge
* Basic knowledge of Media Arts processes (e.g. digital audio or video,
electronic formats)
* Strong artistic quality
* Interest in the themes of the festival
* Applications must be submitted via the online form at
* Due to limited resources we are only able to review submissions written in
* Supporting documents: Audiovisual, photographic and written media must be
submitted via the online application form at
All submissions will be reviewed by the Festival Programming Committee and
those chosen will be contacted by June 30, 2004.
We offer:
* Some computer and tech facilities
* Technical and organizational assistance
* Presentation space
* International dissemination of the work via the Internet
* Participation in presentations and panels, and in some cases a
Contact us only if there are concerns or difficulties concerning this call
or the submission form, at:
New Forms Festival 2004
Programming Committee
Suite 200, 252 East 1st Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia
T: +1 604-648-2752
F: +1 604-648-2754
E: curatorial at newformsfestival.com or
curatorial at newformsfestival.com
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