[artinfo] architect-in-residence

by way of + <b2 at c3.hu> Vidlounge at aol.com
Mon Oct 27 16:55:14 CET 2003

Applications now being accepted for an architect-in-residence project:
Designing a Squat:based in Rotterdam, NL [ 
http://www.movinginplace.net/designingasquat/ ]

The artist-in-residence period is a year and includes free rent, beginning 
Jan 2004. This architect-in-residence project is part of a larger project: 
[ http://www.movinginplace.net/beingthereinfo/ ] that looks at historical 
and contemporary perspectives on adaptive re-use philosophies and 
squatting, specific to the Netherlands. The architect-in-residence will be 
able to develop a raw social housing apartment according to their own 
design and have this space to live in rent-free for one year in exchange 
for renovating the space and having their work documented and sent out 
The architect-in-residence pays no rent but pays for renovation costs 
[except plumbing/toilet] + utlilities [except water]. The focus is on 
developing and improving the concept of social housing; specifically 
creating a better designed, more 'livable' social housing space as well as 
re-creating the concept of what a 'squat' is. The architect-in-residence 
must live-in the space as its being developed and keep a log of their 
progress. Their development will also be documented as part of a larger 
project via photos, video and put online. On Jan. 2005, the space will be 
given to another architect-in-residence or architectural group.

Applications must be e-mailed by November 15, 2003 to vidlounge at aol.com and 
must include: +name etc. +CV +a paragraph on why this project is of 
interest to you those short-listed will be asked to submit a short plan as 
to their intentions based on seeing the architectural plans, photos and 
video of the site. http://www.movinginplace.net/designingasquat/


laurie halsey brown studio: http://www.movinginplace.net
NL: vierambachtsstraat 64 A 3023 rotterdam 06.1426.2961
US: 7784 hwy 164 hollywood, SC 29449 843.906.0467 

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