[artinfo] palya

Kiss-Pál Szabolcs kspal at aramszu.net
Mon Jun 30 08:48:41 CEST 2003

The International Art Studio Toos Neger in Dordrecht, the Netherlands, offers artists a space to work and live in. It can be used for a period of 1 to 3 months. If necessary, longer periods can be arranged for the realization of special projects.
The studio is situated in a former school that is now housing several other artists' studios. It measures 56m" and consists of 2 areas a former classroom and a smaller room with cooking facilities, a shower and a bed. A telephone is at the disposition of the artist (+31(0)786119811). The International Art Studio Toos Neger lies in the center of Dordrecht and at a walking distance from the railway station and the 'Fastferry', a boat service to the center of Rotterdam. The rent (including gas, electricity and taxes) is Euro 350,- a month. If you need more information or wish to make an appointment, please fill out the online form (http://www.toosneger.com) or call +31(0)628599938 (Frans van Lent).
messages at fluid-image.net
International festival of films shot in one take
14th ŕ 16th November, Zagreb, Croatia
mailto:onetake at kkz.hr

Overlook Park Shorts is famous for its eclectic mix of cultures, traditions and philosophies, and the Overlook Park Shorts Film Festival celebrates that diversity by accepting works in any genre. Narrative or non-narrative, video or celluloid, the Overlook Park Shorts Film Festival is eager to showcase the best of Local and Non Local talent working with the moving image.
Any film or video completed within 18 months of the festival is eligible.
All submissions should be Cleveland premieres.
Stencil Mail-Art project "Szablony" 
Deadline: March 2004
http://www.sztuka-fabryka.be/ provides you more
CALL FOR ENTRIES for a event called Sci-Femme: Women, Technology and the Future which will be held in San Francisco, CA in January 2004. It is more than just a film show. It includes outreach, a panel talk, and Q&A with the audience. Please visit our website for details. http://www.sci-femme.to
chile - uruguay
NeT.ArT Invitation
CALL FOR ENTRIES, 2004 Next Wave Festival
Deadline: 1st August and 1st November 2003
Find out more at www.nextwave.org.au
Artist in Residence Program 2004: Call for Applications
APPLICATIONS DUE: 31st July 2003
ONLINE: http://www.kuenstlerhausboswil.ch
EMAIL: office at kuenstlerhausboswil.ch
Next 5 Minutes - International Festival for Tactical Media: Call for Tapes
DATES: 11th - 14th September
ONLINE: http://www.n5m.org
EMAIL: cinema at n5m.org
Digital Art Proposals sought for residency in Japan, July 12 deadline.
christa at iamas.ac.jp
sumission for mail art exhibition
The Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art is requesting mail art submissions for exhibit in February, 2004 on the theme: "Sense of Place".
Application Date: 10/30/2003
info at bmoca.org
A Sense of Place, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, 1750-13th St., Boulder Colorado 80302
Norwegian Cultural Council project support
The Office for Contemporary Art Norway supports the international activities of Norwegian artists and freelance curators. International artists and freelance curators based in Norway may also apply.
Contact address: Office for Contemporary Art Norway, Wergelandsveien 17, NO-0167 Oslo Norway, Phone: +47 22 93 37 60, Fax: +47 22 93 37 61, http://www.oca.no/
Developing, distribution and marketing of european audio-visual productions.
Contact address: MEDIA Desk Norge, Norsk filmfond, Postboks 752 Sentrum, N-0106 Oslo, tel +47 22 47 88 66 / 67, fax +47 22 47 80 41, http://www.mediadesk.no
EU-program: Festival support
EU programs supports only international cooperations.
Contact address: MEDIA Desk Norge, Norsk filmfond, Postboks 752 Sentrum, N-0106 Oslo, tel +47 22 47 88 66 / 67, fax +47 22 47 80 41, http://www.mediadesk.no
Links to funds abroad:
Denmark: http://www.dansk-norsk.no
Finland: Norwegian-Finish Cultural Fund http://www.finno.no
Frankrike: Audio-visual eduction in France: http://www.studiesenteret.no
Aurora-program http://www.forskningsradet.no/is/
Japan: The Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation. Support for (among other things) art and technology. The Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation, POB 19, NTNU Hovedbygg, 7491 TRONDHEIM, http://www.no.emb-japan.go.jp/
England: http://www.britishcouncil.no
Sweden: Swedish-Norwegian Cooperation Fund http://www.norden.no
Nordic Cultural Fund http://www.nordiskkulturfond.org/
USA: The Royal Caribbean Cruise, Grant,
Norway-America Association Grant http://www.amscan.org/grants_awards.html
Ella and Kaare Nygaard-foundation Visual arts (among other things). St.Olaf Colledge,Nygaard Fundation, 1520 St Olaf Avenue, MN 55057-1098 Northfield, USA
Germany: Cooperation between Germeny and Norway i joint research projects (DAAD-Forskningsrĺdet) http://www.forskningsradet.no/is/
>From September 19th to 26th 2003
Bitfilm Festival for Digital Film and New Media
bitfilm at bitfilm.de
19th International Short Film Festival Berlin
More than 300 shortfilms and videos will be shown during the six days of the festival and an estimated 100 films will be nominated for the international competition.
alex at interfilmberlin.de

   The Calls and Opps Email list is Edited by Michael Mandiberg


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