[artinfo] 'DAY OFF The Dead' BoringArt.com
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 01:34:07 +0100
Boring Art proudly presents : January 5th 2003 -
'DAY OFF The Dead'
phantasmagoria from a sunny horizon, as black and white as the mise en scene
of Murnau or Romero seen through papel picado*, based on the concept of an
outstanding artist / 3D digital animator Jeffrey Dates .
" Days of the Dead - Los Dias De Los Muertos - The Mexican holiday that
celebrates and honors the dearly departed. 'DAY OFF The Dead' - The comedic
short film directed by Lee Lanier and Jeffrey Dates which asks the question:
"What do the Dead do on their day off?" 'DAY OFF The Dead' will feature
stunning computer graphics in the guise of endearing Days of the Dead folk
characters (the skeletal figures known as Calcas). 'DAY OFF The Dead' will
present a series of vignettes in which these Dead sturggle to get through
the day to day antics of the Afterlife. 'DAY OFF The Dead' will rarely be
predictable, will often make you laugh, but will always make you glad you're
still on the side of the Living! "
Jeffrey Dates
Allow the inherit charm that these creatures of digital cartoneria posess in
their enigmatic identity and presence with a quirky smile, flirt and
laughter in their eyes, busily engaged in the everyday activities of the
living, win your affections. They most certainly convinced us all !
As delighting and creepy as a Mexican sugar scull.
-thick coming -sweet- fancies- Are you ready to become Boring ???
Maria Tjader-Knight M.A.
AD BoringArt
(*art of Mexican perforated paper)
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