[artinfo] [UNXposed] Unimovie - 7th edition

unimovie lurlo@tin.it
Fri, 21 Feb 2003 17:28:53 +0100

Call for entries >>>>  Unimovie - moving image container

7th edition - Citt=E0 Sant'Angelo (Pescara, Italy)
25-29 June 2003

International video exhibition and short film festival

Entry form and rules: http://www.unimovie.it
Dead line for entries: the 1st of April 2003
No entry fee

Any info at the following address:

via Valle di S. Mauro n.2
65124 Pescara
tel. 085.4214242
fax 085.4222929
e-mail: info@unimovie.it
web: http://www.unimovie.it