Mathew Fletcher m.fletcher@qut.edu.au
Sun, 2 Feb 2003 16:43:05 -0800 (PST)

Works of generative & non-generative software art, software interventions (patches, modifications of proprietary software, hacks of console games etc.) or other creative uses of code / programming, are currently being sort for an exhibition and catalogue to document & present a diverse range of creative uses of programming, languages, development environments & delivery methods that constitute the area of 'software-art'. The exhibition shall occur at an artist run space in
Australia (The Farm - www.thefarmspace.com.au) in early March and will then travel both within Australia as well as internationally, to the UK and US.

For Submissions as well as Expressions of Interest:

Closing Date for Submissions: 17/02/2003 (Extended Deadline).