[artinfo] ready to control

Gildner, Silvia sgildner@bauhaus-dessau.de
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 01:59:04 +0200


Are you ready to control? Are you willing to control?

On Wednesday, 23. October 2002 we need your help!

Time: 15:00 to 17:00 (CET) Internettime: @583-@676.

A public space in Dessau/Germany must be monitored by you!

Log in: www.bauhaus-dessau.de/dotcity/rtc

"Ready to control" is an art project which is done by the Bauhaus Dessau 
Kolleg Dot.City and rude_architecture. For further questions please 
contact: langenbrinck@bauhaus-dessau.de or welcome@rude-architecture.de