[artinfo] Waliczky Tamas kiallitasa

C3 Information info@c3.hu
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 13:49:38 +0100

A C3 Kultur=E1lis =E9s Kommunik=E1ci=F3s K=F6zpont Alap=EDtv=E1ny
tisztelettel megh=EDvja =D6nt
Waliczky Tam=E1s
Anim=E1ci=F3k az internetre
c=EDmu ki=E1ll=EDt=E1s=E1nak megnyit=F3j=E1ra
2002. december 4-=E9n 18 =F3r=E1ra.
Megnyit=F3 besz=E9det mond P=E1los Gy=F6rgy filmrendezo.

2002. december 10-=E9n 18 =F3rakor a C3 audit=F3rium=E1ban Waliczky Tam=E1s
Hal=E1sz =E9s a feles=E9ge c=EDmu anim=E1ci=F3s filmje ker=FCl vet=EDt=E9sr=
e, valamint a
muv=E9sz eload=E1st tart =FAjabb munk=E1ir=F3l.

A ki=E1ll=EDt=E1s megtekintheto 2003 janu=E1r 26-ig munkanapokon 12-20 =F3r=
=E1ig a C3
Budapest, 1014, Orsz=E1gh=E1z u. 9.

C3: Center for Culture & Communication Foundation has the pleasure of
inviting you
to the opening of the exhibition of
Tam=E1s Waliczky
Animations for the Internet
at 6 p.m. on 4 December 2002.
Opening speech given by film director, Gy=F6rgy P=E1los.

Tam=E1s Waliczky's animation film, The Fisherman and His Wife, will be
screened in the C3 Auditorium at 6 p.m. on 10 December 2002, where the
artist will also hold a lecture/presentation on his more recent Internet

The exhibition is on view until 26 January 2003, weekdays from 12-8 p.m.,
in the C3 Gallery, Budapest I., Orsz=E1gh=E1z u. 9.