[artinfo] palya

Kiss-Pál Szabolcs kspal@aramszu.net
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 11:17:18 +0100 (MET DST)

Gallery Reviewing Portfolios
Weitman Gallery reviewing photographic portfolios for 2003 exhibit season. Deadline: November 15. Send 20 slides, resume, statement, SASE to Richard Krueger, Washington University, School of Arts, Campus Box 1031, One Brookings Dr., St. Louis, MO 63130. www.artsci.wustl.edu/photo/weitmangallery.html
NAP Biennial Video Featival
Open to all videomakers. NAP Biennial Video Festival 2003. Deadline: December 16, 2002. VHS-NTSC. Selected winners will have public screenings in four or more metropolitan areas including NYC, Philadelphia, Leigh Valley in gallery settings. Documentary, experimental, narrative. $30/entry. New Arts Program, NAP Video Festival, P.O. Box 82, Kutxtown, PA 19530. Phone: 610.683.6440. www.napconn.org
Residencies at Yaddo
Residencies for individual artists or teams of two or three working in one or more of the following media: choreography, film, literature, musical composition, painting, performance art, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and video. Duration of residencies lasts from two weeks to two months. For further information and application forms, please send a self-addressed stamped (55 cents postage) envelope to: The Admissions Committee, Yaddo, Box395, Saratoga Springs, New York, 12866-0395 Deadlines: Jan. 15 and Aug. 1
Wendover Residency Program
For information write to: Center for Land Interpretation, Wendover Residency Program, 9331 Venice Blvd., Culver City CA, 90232, or telephone Matthew Coolidge at 310/839-5722. Complete information also availble at http://www.clui.org/museum/wendarea.html.
ArtsLink Projects
ArtsLink Projects provide support to US artists, curators, presenters and arts organizations to work with their counterparts in 27 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Projects should be designed to benefit participants and audiences in both countries. Since 1992, ArtsLink has disbursed over $1 million in ArtsLink Projects awards. ArtsLink Projects awards will generally range from $2,500 to $10,000 depending on project budget. Awards will seldom cover the applicant's total project expenses. Support is provided to: create new work that draws inspiration from interaction with artists, and the community in the country visited; establish mutually beneficial exchange of ideas and expertise between artists, arts organizations, and the local community; pursue artistic cooperation that will enrich creative or professional development, or has potential to expand the community's access to the art of other cultures. In 2003, ArtsLink Projects will accept application
 s in the categories of visual and media arts. (In 2004, applications will be accepted from individual artists, presenters and non-profit arts organizations working in dance, music, theater and literature.) Send completed application to: ArtsLink, CEC International Partners, 12 West 31 Street, New York, NY 10001-4415. Applications must be postmarked by January 15, 2003. The earliest project start date is May 1, 2003. Projects must be completed by April 30, 2004. ArtsLink Projects awards will be announced in late April 2003. For more information, checkout www.cecip.org/artslink/index.html. To consult with ArtsLink staff or to receive information about ArtsLink, contact CEC International Partners at 212.643.1985 x22, fax: 212.643.1996, email: artslink@cecip.org
MAIL ART DAY  .  December 5  .  2002 Edition
You can find the coupons to take part of the 4th Edition of the Mail Art Day
at : <http://www.vorticeargentina.com.ar/proyectos/mail_art_day.htm>www.vorticeargentina.com.ar/proyectos/mail_art_day.htm
Atelier Nord, Oslo, Norway, February 5th to 9th 2003

Application deadline December 10th 2002
URL anart.no/ram
Being there: an open submission on-line project
Being There is under the umbrella of Not TV (www.not-tv.org). It is a project to explore the overlap of physical and on-line virtual space, by facilitating the creation of artworks that are made specifically in part or in whole for the space that will be available online at: www.not-tv.org/beingthere.html.
Please send all project briefs, including, title or project, length, format and your name and contact details  by 13th December to:

RFP Link:Ê <http://www.vsarts.org/gallery/callsforart/nom/index.html>http://www.vsarts.=
For additional RFPs in Disabled, visit:Ê <http://fdncenter.org/pnd/rfp/cat_disabled.jhtml>http://fdncenter.org/pnd/rf=

   The Calls and Opps Email list is Edited by Michael Mandiberg

digest ks/