[artinfo] palya

Kiss-Pál Szabolcs kspal@aramszu.net
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 15:57:10 +0100 (MET DST)

Deadline: for exhibition (planning in progress)
Artists who have always remained anonymous, or well known artists who have created anonymous works
Exhibition of anonymous art curated by Karen Atkinson

For an exhibition of anonymous art of the last 40 years. This artwork can be by an artist who has always remained anonymous, or a well known artist who has created anonymous works. By anonymous, I mean that 10 or fewer of their friends or family know who has made the work, and the "public" has remained largely clueless as to the author. I am concentrating on American art, but may expand the range depending on the response I receive.

I am looking for documentation, slides from artists or personal knowledge of projects. The artists can choose to remain anonymous (the exhibition titles will go by initials only), or they can trust me with the knowledge, with the agreement that I will not make the works author(s) known to the public.

Groups of artists who go by a title, but who's members remain anonymous will qualify (ie. the guerrilla girls).

If you have any suggestions of artists I should contact, or want to pass on my email address to those who may have work to submit, please feel free to do so.

Information may be mailed to

Karen Atkinson
4223 Russell Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027-4511

or via email



Hi All,
The alternative museum <http://www.alternativemuseum.org/> is looking for New York based artists to commission new net art pieces for their web site.
If you have an example of your work  on the web send the URL by responding to this email.
Women artists are especially encouraged to submit a URL of existing work.


from artservis:

Marseilles, France
Images Contre Nature, International Festival of Experimental Video
The subject of the festival is to screen the latest research on the experimental video and to build up a videotheque.
For the third time, the P'Silo association is glad to present you, the International Festival of Experimental Video, Images Contre Nature, which will take place in Marseilles (France) from June 30 to July 5, 2003 in Marseilles. 
The entry form, the aesthetic criteria and the regulations can be found on our website, click to Images Contre Nature Festival and at the bottom of display page.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The Berlage Institute Amsterdam
Program and Activities
An international laboratory for architects, its specific objective being to achieve an integration of the various disciplines within the field of architecture.
Its international activities include:
-	providing an internationally oriented 2 year postgraduate course for architects, urban planners and landscape architects;
-	organising lectures, master classes, symposiums and exhibition
For the current programmes check the web site!
The Berlage Institute Amsterdam
Botersloot 25, P.O. Box 21592
3001 AW Rotterdam
The Netherlands
tel: +31 10 4030399
fax: +31 10 4030390


Paris, France
Formation Internationale Culture
The professional training programme "Conception, Decision and Management in Culture"
It takes place principally in Paris. The duration of the programme which is conducted in French is ten months with full time study. Each year about wenty trainees are granted admission to the programme.
The programme places emphasis on two poles: 
Reflection on cultural policies and the implementation of cultural and artistic projects
Personal academic research 
- Be less than 40 years of age o Have a good knowledge of spoken and written French
- Completion of a university course programme of at least four years in duration, or an equivalent in professional training
- Work experience in the field of culture o Presentation of a personal research project leading to preparation of the thesis at the end of the course
- Be totally available during the training period
Formation Internationale Culture
Brigitte REMER, Director
52, rue du Faubourg Poissonniere
75010 Paris
tel: 33 (0) 1 45 23 24 66
fax: 33 (0) 1 45 23 24 74


Dordrecht, The Netherlands
The International Art Studio Toos Neger
Studio offers artists from abroad a space to work and live in. It can be used for a period of 1 to 3 months. If necessary, longer periods can be arranged for the realization of special projects.
The studio is situated in a former school that is now housing several other artists’ studios. It measures 56m” and consists of 2 areas: a former classroom and a smaller room with cooking facilities, a shower and a bed. A portable telephone is at the disposition of the artist (+31(0)625475999). The International Art Studio Toos Neger lies in the center of Dordrecht and at a walking distance from the railway station and the ‘Fastferry’, a boat service to the center of Rotterdam. The rent (including gas, electricity and taxes) is Euro 320,- a month. If you need more information or wish to make an appointment, please fill out the online form.
Internationaal Gastatelier Toos Neger
T. Kunkeler
tel: +31(0)786141561

GTM is a trandisciplinary collective that is building a site for
colaboratives and participatives networks.  Our aim will be to be an
interface between the calls for proposals and the participants in them,
for that purpose, we will work generating discourse structures and
uploading the works to the web.  Also we have a special interest in
conecting people from diferent languages for exchanging visions. 
Thatís why in the begining we will be a bilingual site (spanish
ń english), hoping to expand it to others languages.
www.0GMT0.orgis working for a research program of city and media for a
contribution to ěShappin Technologiesî, an annual
publication produced jointly with Sarai/SCDS (Dehli) y Waag Society
Us, as non-profit organization, call for a proposal of a critical and
reflexible answer about networks and transmission.  This must be
escribed as a story of your personals experiences of networks.  The
stories are going to be selected and hypertextuality reelaborated by
www.0GMT0.org and printed on the annual publication of Sarai/SCDC
(Delhi) and  Waag Society (ˇmsterdam).

Deadline: November 20
Info and answers: gmt@0gmt0.org

Hive Magazine is looking for self portraits for the winter issue: the limited edition issue 00. Submission dealine: Nov 6, 2002.  Send in images at 300 dpi no larger than 4"x4", 300 dpi jpgs acceptable, but zipped tiff's preferred. Email images to info@hivezine.com. For more info on contributing images, reviews or other written material, check out www.hivezine.com . . . 

Si : Alors : Sinon :
Art and Interactivity

Is computer programming an art practice?

November 8th,  2002 
to October 27th, 2003

A year of reflection, exploration and production of new works.

Call for Submissions  

deadline : 29 November, 2002

As part of the project Si : Alors : Sinon : , DAśM’N invites you to submit a proposal for the production of an interactive work.  A jury will select ten proposals. Five of these projects will be supported through the payment of a production stipend of $2000, an exhibition fee of $1000 and appropriate technical support*. The works must be produced entirely or in part at DAśM’N, in Hull. The Centre will provide accomodation and a per diem for artists outside the Ottawa-Gatineau area who must travel to Hull for short periods of time. The authors of the other five proposals will be invited to present their work in an exhibition and will receive an exhibition fee of $1000 and the necessary technical infrastructure*.

* Within the limits of the resources and technical infrastructure available at the Centre de production DAśM’N.

The proposal must include:

: project description
: artist statement
: curriculum vitĘ (max. 3 pages)
: visual documentation (slides, video, URLs, etc.)
: production schedule and list of technical support needed
: Self-addressed stamped envelope

Information : Jean-Philippe Fauteux


  The Calls and Opps Email list is Edited by Michael Mandiberg
