[artinfo] [UNXposed] From shooting people. One minute videos.

UNXposed Moderator unxposed@azar.ms
Mon, 03 Jun 2002 15:46:17 +0200

7. 1 minute Festival: call for entries
From: andrea mi <kodemix at katamail.com>
X Edition
1000 A4 per 1 minute
Florence's radio station Controradio, Grav - Gruppo Ricerca Arti
Visive, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, SurProduction
and V-XUAL, in cooperation with the Province of Prato, call for
entries to be selected for the 2002 edition of video-works with a
maximum duration of 1 minute, titles included. Selection is open to
synthetical, quick works, totally free in form and language, without
any form of censorship.
The works entered for consideration will be selected by a jury of
experts and operators in the sector, defining the partecipation list,
all decisions final. The screening of the selected works will take
place at The Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Arts in Prato,
Italy, Saturday the 14th. of September, 2002 at 9 p.m (In the event
of rain, Friday, the 20th. of September): The video best expressing
innovation in the field of audiovisual language, will receive a money
prize of A4 1000,00. The video distinguishing itself for the best
technical quality of production will receive a prize consisting of 16
paid hours of post production studio time.
In order to partecipate in the selection process of Videominuto,
please send a copy of your video-work to: Controradio, Casella
Postale 6600, Firenze, Italy within and no further than July 12nd.
2002. Accepted formats are: VHS, Video8, Hi-8, Betacam SP, MiniDV.
Video-works, selected or not, will not be returned.
Please add to cassette:
85 Photocopy of a receipt for a international money order of A4 11,00
(Secretarial costs) to: Controradio, Via del Rosso Fiorentino, 2b,
50142 Firenze, specifying as reason for the transaction: "Per
iscrizione VIDEOMINUTO 2001", payable in care of Florence post office.
85 a 10 cm. x 10 cm. card including first and last name, address and
telephone number(s) of the author(s), title and a short presentation
of the work, drawings or b&w pics. The information file will be
published as provided by the author.
The following Law Releasing Statements, with author signature:
85 the compulsory statement of agreement to the treatment of personal
datas in accordance with the Italian Law 675/96 on personal privacy:
"Io sottoscritto/a ..................... (full name), nato/a a
..................... (full d.o.b.), e residente
a..................... (contact address) dF2 il mio consenso alla
Controradio Srl. al trattamento dei miei dati personali (legge
675/96) ..................... (signature)
85 if interested in the broadcasting of the video within Videominuto
Pop Tv Contest, to the publication of the video on the "Selection
Videominuto 2002" (for promotional purpose), to the broadcasting of
the video in other twinning festivals and on the web, add the
following statement:
"Il sottoscritto ..................... (full name) nato a
..................... (full d.o.b), e residente in
..................... (contact address) concede la liberatoria per la
proiezione pubblica, l'archiviazione e la pubblicazione su siti web
della propria opera dal titolo..................... (signature).

IMPORTANT: admission for the the public screening, TV passage and
archive storage is restricted to video-works with an original
soundtrack or with not original quotes, running time max 30 sec.
- Informations on VIDEOMINUTO at tel. (+39) 55 73 999 70 Fax (+39) 55
73 999 77, Mon. to Fri., office hours.