[artinfo] [transmediale] US Department of Art & Technology

annette schaefer presse@transmediale.de
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 21:41:50 +0100

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US Department of Art & Technology
PO Box 32265 Washington, DC 20007

Press Secretary
For Immediate Release:  January 28, 2002

Global Virtualization Council Delegates to
Sign and Ratify International Charter at Transmediale 02

WASHINGTON, DC - On Tuesday, February 5, 8:30 PM (GMT+0100), Global=20
Virtualization Council delegates are expected to sign and ratify the=20
official "Berlin Virtualization Charter" at the opening of the Transmediale=
02 International Festival of Media in Berlin  The Council is directed=20
towards the mobilization and coordination of artistic forces of=20
virtualization internationally. Present at the signing will be the=20
Secretary of the US Department of Art & Technology, Randall M. Packer;=20
Festival Director, Andreas Broeckmann; and Council Delegates who include=20
the Secretary-General and Artist-Ambassadors representing 9 nations.

Preparations for the Charter, to be signed at the opening of Transmediale,=
are now under way for this historic event that will potentially establish=20
conditions under which the most far-flung aspirations of humankind are=20
ignited. In light of the Festival theme, go public!, government officials=20
and leading media artists from around the world will gather in Berlin under=
the auspices of Transmediale to endorse a global initiative that promotes=20
radical aesthetic ideology in the larger political and social context.

As mandated by the Global Virtualization Council, the Charter aims to=20
promote: (a) international standards for socially-engaged interactivity and=
collective action; (b) movements of international activist, hyper-mediated,=
utopian, and related ideologies; (c) universal respect for, and observance=
of, artist rights and fundamental creative expression for all citizens=20
without distinction as to discipline, medium, gender, bias, or identity.=20
[extracted from sub-paragraphs a,b, and c of Article 9]

The accord establishes a promising roadmap as it provides for the=20
employment of media for the purpose of reaffirming our faith in the=20
suspension of disbelief, as well as the advancement of all artists towards=
their desire to initiate social action. The Secretary of the US Department=
of Art & Technology has stated repeatedly that "to succeed in the 21st=20
Century, we must be prepared to adapt to changes in our social condition -=
in how we communicate, where we seek cultural enrichment, and how we=20
balance our real and virtual lives."

The Secretary considers that only negotiated and verifiable accords between=
media artists and government can adequately address the social and=20
political impact of our increasingly cybernated world. Accordingly, the=20
Charter states, "through representatives assembled in the city of Berlin,=20
who have exhibited their full recognition of the power of the artist=20
engaged with media... hereby establish an international movement of the=20
avant-garde to be known as the Global Virtualization Council."

For further information, visit the following URLs:

US Department of Art & Technology:  http://www.usdept-arttech.net
Global Virtualization Council and Charter: http://www.usdept-arttech.net/gvc
Transmediale 02: http://www.transmediale.de

Contact: Press Secretary of the US Department of Art & Technology



Annette Sch=E4fer

[go public!]
5 - 10 february 2002
international media art festival berlin

klosterstr. 68-70
10179 berlin
fon +49 30 2472 1907
fax +49 30 2472 1909

Member of the European Coordination of Film Festivals E.E.I.G

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<div align=3D"center"><font size=3D4>US Department of Art &amp;
</font>PO Box 32265 Washington, DC 20007<br>
<a href=3D"http://www.usdept-arttech.net/"=
<b>Press Secretary<br>
<div align=3D"right">For Immediate Release:&nbsp; January 28,=20
<div align=3D"center"><font face=3D"Times New Roman, Times" size=3D4>Global
Virtualization Council Delegates to<br>
Sign and Ratify International Charter at Transmediale 02<br><br>
<font face=3D"Times, Times" size=3D4>WASHINGTON, DC - On Tuesday, February 5=
8:30 PM (GMT+0100), Global Virtualization Council delegates are expected
to sign and ratify the official &quot;Berlin Virtualization Charter&quot;
at the opening of the Transmediale 02 International Festival of Media in
Berlin&nbsp; The Council is directed towards the mobilization and
coordination of artistic forces of virtualization internationally.
Present at the signing will be the Secretary of the US Department of Art
&amp; Technology, Randall M. Packer; Festival Director, Andreas
Broeckmann; and Council Delegates who include the Secretary-General and
Artist-Ambassadors representing 9 nations.<br>
Preparations for the Charter, to be signed at the opening of
Transmediale, are now under way for this historic event that will
potentially establish conditions under which the most far-flung
aspirations of humankind are ignited. In light of the Festival theme, go
public!, government officials and leading media artists from around the
world will gather in Berlin under the auspices of Transmediale to endorse
a global initiative that promotes radical aesthetic ideology in the
larger political and social context.<br>
As mandated by the Global Virtualization Council, the Charter aims to
promote: (a) international standards for socially-engaged interactivity
and collective action; (b) movements of international activist,
hyper-mediated, utopian, and related ideologies; (c) universal respect
for, and observance of, artist rights and fundamental creative expression
for all citizens without distinction as to discipline, medium, gender,
bias, or identity. [extracted from sub-paragraphs a,b, and c of Article
The accord establishes a promising roadmap as it provides for the
employment of media for the purpose of reaffirming our faith in the
suspension of disbelief, as well as the advancement of all artists
towards their desire to initiate social action. The Secretary of the US
Department of Art &amp; Technology has stated repeatedly that &quot;to
succeed in the 21st Century, we must be prepared to adapt to changes in
our social condition - in how we communicate, where we seek cultural
enrichment, and how we balance our real and virtual lives.&quot;<br>
The Secretary considers that only negotiated and verifiable accords
between media artists and government can adequately address the social
and political impact of our increasingly cybernated world. Accordingly,
the Charter states, &quot;through representatives assembled in the city
of Berlin, who have exhibited their full recognition of the power of the
artist engaged with media... hereby establish an international movement
of the avant-garde to be known as the Global Virtualization
For further information, visit the following URLs:<br><br>
US Department of Art &amp; Technology:&nbsp;
<a href=3D"http://www.usdept-arttech.net/"=
Global Virtualization Council and Charter:
<a href=3D"http://www.usdept-arttech.net/gvc"=
Transmediale 02:
<a href=3D"http://www.transmediale.de/"=
Contact: Press Secretary of the US Department of Art &amp;
</font><font face=3D"arial" size=3D2>Annette Sch=E4fer<br>
[go public!]<br>
5 - 10 february 2002<br>
international media art festival berlin<br>
<font face=3D"arial" size=3D2>klosterstr. 68-70<br>
10179 berlin<br>
fon +49 30 2472 1907<br>
fax +49 30 2472 1909<br>
<a href=3D"http://www.transmediale.de/"=
<font face=3D"arial"=
Member of the European Coordination of Film Festivals E.E.I.G<br>
