[artinfo] Newsletter No. 3
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:30:07 +0100
NEWSLETTER No. 3 (January 2002)
Dear Readers!
Let me start off by wishing you all the best for the New Year 2002!
Despite the holidays, there have been a number of new developments during=20
the past weeks, which we will keep you current on in our newly updated=20
Short Film Magazine. As always, the Festival Calendars have also been=20
brought up to the present status.
Our topic article in this issue deals with current German film policy.=20
Above and beyond this specific theme, however, it also treats the issue of=
the short film=92s status in the cinema in general, a situation that is=20
similar in many other countries. It would thus be interesting to hear from=
not only German readers, but also from the international readers of the=20
Short Film Magazine concerning your views on these developments and which=20
solutions you recommend.
We would once again like to take this opportunity to invite all subscribers=
and readers to take part in our Forum and to feel free to make use of the=20
Short Film Magazine as a platform for announcements and the exchange of=20
pertinent information.
Until next time
Reinhard W. Wolf
Short Film in the Cinema =AD Anachronisms in Film Promotion
At the end of 2001 Germany=92s State Minister for Cultural and Media=
Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-R=FCmelin, published a "Film Policy Plan" in which he=
outlined proposals for the reform of film promotion and for upgrading the=20
status of the German film as a cultural asset.
The invitation presented by the State Minister to respond to his proposals=
and to take these up in public discourse provides a welcome opportunity to=
take a closer look at a specific aspect of German film funding practice,=20
namely the fixation on the short film merely as warm-up in front of a=20
feature film. (=85)
It thus becomes clear that the present short film promotion policies of the=
federal government constitute an anachronism, based on a completely=20
obsolete image of the commercial and cultural position of the short film.=
The situation described above is similar to that in many other countries=20
and the conclusions can be applied there as well. It would thus be=20
interesting to hear not only from German readers, but also from=20
international readers of this short film magazine on how they view these=20
developments and which solutions they would suggest. At least in Germany,=20
there now seems to be an opportunity to correct the present course of=20
events. The plan put forth by the State Minister, who understands and=20
supports film policy as a vital part of cultural policy, forms the first=20
step toward a fruitful discourse on the potential reform of film policy. We=
need to seize this opportunity!
for the whole story see:
Turner Prize: Films by Isaac Julien at the Tate Gallery || 09.12.2002
British filmmaker Isaac Julien has been nominated for the Turner Prize=20
2001. As one of the 4 artists on the short list to receive this most=20
important and prestigious of British visual arts honours, Julien=92s films=
"The Long Road to Mazatl=E1n" (1999/2000) and "Vagabondia" (2000) were shown=
as multiple projections at the Tate Gallery (now know as the Tate Britain).=
Isaac Julien, known for his films "Looking for Langston", "Young Soul=20
Rebels" and the short film "The Attendant", thus takes his place amongst=20
the growing number of British film artists who are turning away from the=20
cinema and tending more toward the gallery and arts scene. Julien is now=20
being represented by London=92s Victoria Miro Gallery.
Despite the insiders=92 expectations, however, Isaac Julien did not walk=
with the grand prize. Instead, it was presented on the 9th of December by=20
Madonna to the controversial artist Martin Creed, whose work "The lights=20
going on and off" =AD and the title pretty much sums it up =AD provoked=
protests from the British fine arts scene, especially from the painters=92=
More News:
=AD VIPER =AD Change in Management
=AD Short Film Reels Touring Kommunale Kinos
=AD Paper Tiger Television Offers Alternative Information on 11th September
=AD Electronic Arts Intermix (NY) Presents Peggy Ahwesh
=AD Videoart Center Tokyo Founded
=AD European Media Art Tour 2001/2002
=AD Short Film in Spain =AD Production Promotion Balance Sheet
Further information:
=AD Jon Jost's DV Project - Worldview
=AD El Hard Rock Caf=E9 Madrid Presents Short Films
=AD ARTE Celebrates First Anniversary of Court-Circuit Magazine
=AD Filmwaves UK
=AD Micromovies =AD New Competition at the Tampere Film Festival
=AD Sundance Festival 2002 =AD Documentary Films Predominate
=AD VIP Online Society Calendar
=AD Short Films on Television
Further information:
Awards at the 6th Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio Siena ||=20
Gran Prix: "The Case of Majella McGinty" by Kirsten Sheridan, Ireland.
Special Prize: "Motorcycle" by Adita Assarat, Thailand.
Best Fiction: "A Telephone Call for Genevieve Snow" by Peter Long,=
Best Documentary: "Mormor, Hitler och jag" by Carl Johan De Greer, Sweden.
Best Animation/Experimental: "Stronjenie instrumentow" by Jerzy Kucia,=
Audience Prize: "Ela na sou po" by Katerina Filiotou, Greece.
Kids Jury Prize: "Tij" by Vincent Biarrewaerts, Belgium.
Cinemavvenire Award for Best Italian Film: "L'ultimo rimasto in piedi" by=20
Ugo Capolupo.
More Awards and Honours:
=AD Short Film Award at European Film Awards 2001
=AD Short Film Award at 12th Kinofest L=FCnen
=AD Awards at Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche
=AD Short Film Awards at 14th Exground Filmfest Wiesbaden
=AD Short Film Awards at 19th Torino Film Festival
=AD Short Film Awards at 9th Filmfestival M=FCnster
=AD Film+ Schnitt Award
=AD Awards at 19th Festival Tous Courts, Aix-en-Provence
=AD Short Film Awards at International Documentary Film Festival, Amsterdam
=AD Awards at Seoul Net Festival 2001
=AD Awards at 43rd Festival Int. de Cine Documental y Cortometraje Bilbao
=AD Awards at 11th Mostra Curta Cinema Rio de Janeiro
=AD Awards at 35th New York Exposition of Short Film and Video EXPO 2001
=AD Short Film Awards at Cinemanila International Film Festival
=AD Short Film Nominations for XVI. PREMIOS GOYA, Spain
=AD Commendations presented for Short Films by the Filmbewertungsstelle
Further information:
Festivals in Germany
International Festivals
Further information