[artinfo] PRESS RELEASE: JUAN LEAR (fwd)
C3 Information
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 14:12:43 +0100
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Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 21:46:54 +0100
From: LipanjePuntin artecontemporanea <lipuarte@tin.it>
To: "lipuarte@tin.it" <lipuarte@tin.it>
Exhibition: Inmagen Real
Place: LipanjePuntin artecontemporanea - Trieste - Italy
Duration: 8th February - 31st March 2002
Opening: Friday 8th February 2002, from 18.30 onwards
Friday 8th February, LipanjePuntin artecontemporanea has pleasure in
once again presenting Juan Lear (1965, Bogot=E0 - Columbia) in a one-man
show entitled Inmagen Real.
Inmagen Real - JUAN LEAR
Juan Lear=EDs artistic research has, in the last years, progressively been
centred on the study and analysis of the image, on the behaviours, the
repetitiveness and legibility of the latter in the spectator=EDs
perception, with the aim to evoke other images present in our mind,
giving thus life to a new expositive (declarative - explanatory) space.
The problem of contemporary massification of images has become a source
of such an incommunicability to lead the individual to become an
obedient slave of the representation according to his own necessity.
In this meaning Inmagen Real is a project which becomes clearer exactly
on an highway of images, dealing with the same subject in the infinite
varieties that can be seen moving along.
These are trucks, T.I.R., lorries photographed and shot by Lear from
behind, but free of context: an icon which takes its name from the
vehicle=EDs licence plate, the only distinctive sign of every variation,
and in which colour and dimension become an aesthetic presence instead
immediately absorbed by the spectator both as realistic and surreal.
In our everyday life, wherever we find ourselves, shifting from one
place to another, we may encounter an image-icon-demonstration which
could often symbolize an obstacle to overcome, creating thus some sort
of recurrence in each of our lives.
Juan Lear completed his studies at the Faculty of Architecture of Bogot=E0
and at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence, where he received his
diploma in 1989.
In 1993 he took part at the XLV Venice Biennial presenting an
installation entitled Nynphaeum.
Since 1983 he has been living in Italy. He is also designer, architect
and graphic designer.
Selected recent exhibitions:
2001 Galeria Max Estrella, Madrid (Spain)
ArtsForum Berlin, Galeria Menocal, Berlin (Germany)
Art Cologne, Galleria LipanjePuntin, Cologne (Germany)
Casa Riegner Gallery - in collaboration with Galeria Menocal -,
Miami (U.S.A.)
Felipe Grimberg Fine Art, Miami (U.S.A.)
Gallery Hours: 11.00-19.30 or by appointment Closed on Mondays and
Public Holidays
LIPANJEPUNTIN Artecontemporanea =B7 Via Diaz 4 =B7 34121 Trieste =B7 Italy
Tel ++39 040 308099 Fax ++39 040 308287
www.lipanjepuntin.com lipuarte@tin.it