[artinfo] (fwd)1:10

Janos Sugar sj@c3.hu
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 12:06:35 +0100

az alabbi egy kb. 60 x 60 x 80 cm meretu kiallitoterem-makettben valo kiallitasra szolo felhivas. 

>Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 19:42:04 +0100
>From: Barbara Sturm <sturmb@planetuniqa.at>
>Subject: 1:10
>Dear Janos Sugar
>I am planning a groupshow with young hungarian artists in my scale model
>gallery (Gallery 1:10) within the next show at the Knollgaleria in
>Budapest, opening on the 11th of April.
>I have been in budapest two years ago and also met you very briefly at
>te academy where you showed me some of your students work.
>I am coming to budapest for a few days on the 28th to get into contact
>with some young artists who might be interested in showing something in
>that minigallery.
>I thought you might know some artists that could be considered and give
>me their contacts. It would be very helpful.
>I send you a picture of the last show at the
>artfair in vienna. Once the show is set up I will try to have it travel
>to another place.
>maybe you can forward it to artists you know.
>so I hope to hear from you soon..
>barbara sturm