[artinfo] Aesthetic Artefacts, NordiCHI 2002
Adele Eisenstein
Sat, 23 Feb 2002 19:58:21 +0100
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To: adele@c3.hu Subject: [syndicate] Aesthetic Artefacts, NordiCHI 2002 (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 09:29:36 +0100
From: pold@multimedia.au.dk
To: syndicate@anart.no
Subject: [syndicate] Aesthetic Artefacts, NordiCHI 2002
***Extended deadline****
Call for submissions to NordiCHI 2002 in the new category of:
Aesthetic artefacts
NordiCHI 2002 introduces "aesthetic artefacts" as a new submission
category for experiments into how artistic expression and praxis affect
perspectives on interfaces, contexts and design.
The computer interface has developed from merely supporting work into a
broader cultural interface competing with and even replacing the book, the
gallery wall, the cinema screen, etc. Traditional functionalism fails in
relation to many new applications. At the same time, traditional
application areas may benefit from the inspiration from how digital forms
are articulated in artistic expression. Accordingly, digital arts challenge
the way we understand the computer, and the relation between form and
contents at the interface.
Examples of possible artefacts are (not limited to) interactive
artworks, computer games, interactive installations, netart, software
art, artistic interfaces, aesthetic experiments with HCI-related issues.
An important part of an aesthetic artefact submission is a short paper
that thoroughly reflects on CHI related issues affected by the artefact.
Accepted aesthetic artefacts will be exhibited at the conference in
conjunction with the demo session.
An aesthetic artefact submission is composed of three parts
- A short paper, conforming to the NordiCHI 2002 short paper guidelines,
describing the artefact and reflecting on its contribution to the HCI
- An exhibition plan, describing how the artefact is going to exhibited,
including spatial requirements (one page).
- (Optional) a representation of the artefact on video (VHS/PAL, S-VHS
is not accepted), CD-ROM or DVD.
The short paper and the exhibition plan should be submitted via the
conference web site, whereas the (optional) video/CD/DVD should be
submitted by ordinary mail in three copies.
Submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee supplemented by
an aesthetic artefacts special committee of artists and aesthetics
scholars. Aesthetic criteria as well as an assessment of contribution to
the ongoing understanding of human-computer interaction are taken into
Please observe that the presenters must supply all equipment necessary
for the exhibition. Limited Internet accesses will be available.
Please direct questions regarding aesthetic artefacts to
Electronic submission deadline for aesthetic artefacts: April 2, 2002
(late breaking results: August 1, 2002).
Full call for the conference available at:
Soeren Pold, ph.d., adjunkt (assistant professor)
Multimedia Studies & Comparative Literature
University of Aarhus Office: 5341.121
IT Parken phone: +45 8942 5654
Aabogade 34 fax +45 8942 5624
DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
email: pold@multimedia.au.dk, soeren@bro-pold.dk (priv.)
Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
<table border=0>
<tr><td width=624>To: adele@c3.hu Subject: [syndicate] Aesthetic
Artefacts, NordiCHI 2002 (fwd)</td></tr>
---------- Forwarded message ---------- <br>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 09:29:36 +0100 <br>
From: pold@multimedia.au.dk <br>
To: syndicate@anart.no <br>
Subject: [syndicate] Aesthetic Artefacts, NordiCHI 2002<br><br>
***Extended deadline**** <br>
Call for submissions to NordiCHI 2002 in the new category of: <br>
Aesthetic artefacts<br><br>
NordiCHI 2002 introduces "aesthetic artefacts" as a new
submission <br>
category for experiments into how artistic expression and praxis affect
perspectives on interfaces, contexts and design.<br><br>
The computer interface has developed from merely supporting work into a
broader cultural interface competing with and even replacing the book,
the <br>
gallery wall, the cinema screen, etc. Traditional functionalism fails in
relation to many new applications. At the same time, traditional <br>
application areas may benefit from the inspiration from how digital forms
are articulated in artistic expression. Accordingly, digital arts
challenge <br>
the way we understand the computer, and the relation between form and
contents at the interface.<br><br>
Examples of possible artefacts are (not limited to) interactive <br>
artworks, computer games, interactive installations, netart, software
art, artistic interfaces, aesthetic experiments with HCI-related issues.
An important part of an aesthetic artefact submission is a short paper
that thoroughly reflects on CHI related issues affected by the artefact.
Accepted aesthetic artefacts will be exhibited at the conference in
conjunction with the demo session.<br><br>
An aesthetic artefact submission is composed of three parts<br><br>
- A short paper, conforming to the NordiCHI 2002 short paper guidelines,
describing the artefact and reflecting on its contribution to the HCI
- An exhibition plan, describing how the artefact is going to exhibited,
including spatial requirements (one page).<br><br>
- (Optional) a representation of the artefact on video (VHS/PAL, S-VHS
is not accepted), CD-ROM or DVD.<br><br>
The short paper and the exhibition plan should be submitted via the
conference web site, whereas the (optional) video/CD/DVD should be <br>
submitted by ordinary mail in three copies.<br><br>
Submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee supplemented by
an aesthetic artefacts special committee of artists and aesthetics <br>
scholars. Aesthetic criteria as well as an assessment of contribution to
the ongoing understanding of human-computer interaction are taken into
Please observe that the presenters must supply all equipment necessary
for the exhibition. Limited Internet accesses will be
Please direct questions regarding aesthetic artefacts to <br>
Electronic submission deadline for aesthetic artefacts: April 2, 2002
(late breaking results: August 1, 2002).<br><br>
Full call for the conference available at:<br><br>
<font color="#0000FF"><u><a href="http://www.nordichi.org/" eudora="autourl">http://www.nordichi.org<br><br>
Soeren Pold, ph.d., adjunkt (assistant professor) <br>
Multimedia Studies & Comparative Literature <br>
University of Aarhus Office: 5341.121 <br>
IT Parken phone: +45 8942 5654 <br>
Aabogade 34 fax +45 8942 5624 <br>
DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark <br>
email: pold@multimedia.au.dk, soeren@bro-pold.dk (priv.) <br>
<font color="#0000FF"><u><a href="http://www.bro-pold.dk/" eudora="autourl">http://www.bro-pold.dk</a></u></font>