[artinfo] 7th Conference of Female Art Historians 2002

Claudia Westermann media@ezaic.de
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 15:38:12 +0100

Call for Papers ---- Call for Papers ---- Call for Papers ---- Call for Pape=

7th Conference of Female Art Historians 2002:
(New) Media: Mediality =AD Cultural Transfer =AD Gender


In cooperation with the Humboldt-University of Berlin, department of art=
 history, the Lu M=E4rten-Verein announces a conference on (new) media. The=
 main topics will be mediality, cultural transfer, and gender. The=
 conference will be held September 26th till September 29th, 2002 at the=
 Humboldt University.

The requested contributions should deal with the production of visibility=
 and gaze by the media; thereby historical media could be considered as well=
 as the new ones. Digital media and the globalization of technologies and=
 economic systems raise questions about cultural transfer, difference and=
 homogenization of images. Analysis of the new media being allegedly=
 gender-neutral but permeated by gender related metaphors require as well a=
 critical review as the contributions of cyberfeminism of the 1980s and 1990=

The following themes will be discussed in three plena and six sections:

- Mediality and feminist perspectives in art history / new media and=
 politics in the different academic studies of pictures
- The making of gendered metaphors by the media: phantasmata, hierarchies, e=
- Body-images as medial effects
- Cultural transfer, disposal of pictures and dissolution of differences
- Cyberfeminism and gender studies of new media
- Incunabulum and video: pictorial media and gender in historical change
- New media =AD old masters
- Authorship on the web
- High and low today and yesterday

Please hand in your offers by November 30th, 2001. Proposals should include=
 the prefered session, the title and an expos=E9. On behalf of anonymity we=
 request two pages: one should include your name, address, telephone number,=
 email, and title of the lecture proposed; the second page should include=
 title and expos=E9 (please do not quote your name on this page!).

The conference is organized by Susanne v. Falkenhausen, Hildegard Fr=FCbis,=
 Kathrin Hoffmann-Curtius, Sigrid Philipps, Ingeborg Reichle, Bettina=
 Uppenkamp and Gabriele Werner.

Please send your proposals to:

Lu M=E4rten-Verein
c/o Dr. Hildegard Fr=FCbis
Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar
Humboldt Universit=E4t zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin