[artinfo] Fwd: ANNOUNCE Second Iteration : emergence - programme
Andrea Szekeres
Tue, 13 Nov 2001 14:54:10 +0100
>From: iterate <iterate@csse.monash.edu.au>
>Reply-To: iterate@csse.monash.edu.au
>Organization: CEMA
>Subject: ANNOUNCE Second Iteration : emergence - programme
>Apologies for multiple/cross postings.
>The Centre for Electronic Media Art (CEMA) invites you to attend...
>Second Iteration : emergence
>2nd international conference on generative systems in the electronic
>- Conference dates
>5-7th December, 2001, Melbourne, Australia
>Invited speakers include: N. Katherine Hayles (UCLA/USA);
>Driessens/Verstappen (Netherlands),
>Sommerer & Mignonneau (Japan) and others.
>- A full conference programme is now online
>- Early registration closes 14th November
>Papers, Artist & Tech Sketches, Generative Audio & Video, Generative Art
>Second Iteration : emergence is the event for anyone with an interest in
>the relationship between generative processes, creativity and artistic
>practice. The key theme is emergence: the property of simple,
>interacting processes to acquire characteristics and form beyond those
>directly attributable to the sum of the individual components. Second
>Iteration will investigate the discontinuities between poeisis and
>physis, and how these processes influence the development of creative
>ideas. Following on from the highly successful First Iteration (1999),
>this year's conference will again be held in Melbourne, Australia.
>- Second Iteration : topics of interest
>Artificial Life
>Artificial selection
>Cellular automata
>Cultural interpretations of generative theories & methodologies
>Digital nature
>Evolutionary aspects of creativity & creative behaviour
>Feedback networks
>Genetic algorithms
>Learning & knowledge-based systems
>Mathematical & generative modelling
>Models of creativity and creative processes
>Neural networks
>Recombinant media
>Rule-based systems
>Software artworks
>Systems theory
>- Second Iteration : applications
>Computer graphics
>Cultural theory
>Electronic & computer-based music composition
>Evolutionary theory
>Software development
>Visual, sound & performance art
>Virtual environments
>- Further details are available on the conference website
>or by emailing the organizers on
>Second Iteration : emergence
>2nd international conference on generative processes in the electronic
>5-7th December 2001. Melbourne, Australia.