[artinfo] Fwd: Kunst-Werke Berlin
Andrea Szekeres
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 17:27:14 +0100
>Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 02:48:02 -0600
>From: info@e-flux.com
>Subject: Kunst-Werke Berlin
>A Little Bit of History Repeated
>Performances at Kunst-Werke Berlin
> >From November 16th to 18th 2001, 8 - 11 pm, Kunst-Werke Berlin -=
>for Contemporary Art presents three performance evenings.
>Participating artists: John Bock (Germany), Tania Bruguera (Cuba), Trisha
>Donnelly (USA), Ingar Drangset & Michael Elmgreen (Denmark/Norway), Karl
>Holmqvist (Sweden), Takehito Koganezawa (Japan), Elke Krystufek (Austria),
>Laura Lima (Brazil), Tracey Rose (South Africa), Tino Sehgal (Germany).
>Curated by: Jens Hoffmann
>The project offers a unique opportunity to re-experience and analyze a
>series of classic performances as a number of international artists from a
>younger generation have been invited to re-enact important performances=
>the 1960s and 70s. The reenactments comprise open copies based on original
>documentation (film, photographs as well as written and oral statements),
>interpretations of the original performance, co-operations with the=
>artist and entirely new works, which are only loosely based on an older
>performance. While the performances will take place on Friday and Saturday
>(Saturday repetition of the previous evening), the third evening will be
>dedicated to a panel discussion for the evaluation of the project.
>Participants of the panel are the artists of A Little Bit of History
>Repeated, Dorothea von Hantelmann, a freelance curator and critic and Jens
>Hoffmann. The aim of the project is to analyze the fundamental=20
>of performance art and its relationship to the art object and the idea of=
>archive, as well as to explore questions of method, techniques,=
>movement, authorship, conservation and documentation.
>Following the panel discussion and based on the idea of the project A=
>Bit of History Repeated, the performance class Abramovic of the Hochschule
>f=FCr Bildende K=FCnste, Braunschweig, will perform a number of=
>which have been created during a seminar led by Marina Abramovic and Jens
>Accompanying the project a bilingual, German-English publication will be
>published, comprising texts by Jens Hoffmann and the individual artists.
>(Published by Kunst-Werke in collaboration with Edition Valerio,
>Paris/Berlin. 80 pages, DM 9,-).
>The project has been realized thanks to the generous support of the Allianz
>Kulturstiftung, Munich, and the Schaub=FChne am Lehniner Platz, Berlin.
>A Little Bit of History Repeated
>Friday, 16.11.2001 Performances
>Saturday, 17.11.2001 Performances (repetition of Friday)
>Sunday, 18.11.2001 panel discussion; performances by the students of Marina
>8 - 11 p.m.
>Kunst-Werke Berlin, exhibition hall
>Adults DM 10,-; Reduced DM 8,-.
>Beate Barner, t +49.30.24 34 59 50 f +49.30.24 34 59 99
>Electronic Flux Corporation
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