[artinfo] (fwd)1st Utopian World Championship 2001

Janos Sugar sj@c3.hu
Sun, 20 May 2001 11:05:15 +0200

Date: Tue, 08 May 2001 20:50:53 +0200
=46rom: "SOC.Stockholm" <info@soc.nu>
Subject: Call for participation

Call for participation to the 1st Utopian World Championship 2001!
------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to=
 participate in the 1st Utopian World Championship 2001. Sign up=20
for participation at http://www.soc.nu/utopian/ before the 31:st of june 200=

The winner will be awarded 1000 US dollars and the winning contribution=20
will be presented to governments and other powerful institutions and=20
organisations all over the world.

The competition will continue throughout the year 2001. From the 1:st of=20
September, the public will be able to vote for ten finalists whose=20
contributions will be examined by a group of experts that, together with=20
the public, will name a winner before the end of this year. You can follow=
the competition day by day, vote for the finalists and discuss utopian=20
related topics at  http://www.soc.nu/utopian/ where you=A5ll also find=20
competition rules and other necessary info.

Help us to spread this invitation. If you=A5re not interested to=
maybe you know someone who are.

The 1st Utopian World Championship is arranged by SOC, a group of artists=20
based in Stockholm, Sweden. Contact SOC at info@soc.nu.

The Utopian W.C. web site is hosted by http://www.protestcenter.org and=20
co-located at CRAC. SOC is generously supported by The Foundation for=20
=46uture Culture and The Swedish art Grants Commitee.

Bondegatan 64
S-116 34 Stockholm
T: +46 (0)8 640 98 07
M: info@soc.nu
W: http://www.soc.nu