[artinfo] Desidea Studio

C3 Information info@c3.hu
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 14:14:49 +0200

P=E1rhuzamos ki=E1ll=EDt=E1sok
Parallel exhibitions:

Festm=E9nyek a Desidea Studioban
=E9s elektronikus terveik
az Interneten
Paintings at the Desidea Studio
& electronic designs
on the Internet

  vagy / or

  A ki=E1ll=EDt=E1st megnyitj=E1k:
B=FCky Dorottya, Beke Zs=F3fia.
Pablo Slam (Venezuela), elektronikus zene
Desidea Studio, 1061 Budapest, Paulay Ede u. 25-27. Tel.: 479 0118
2001. =E1prilis 4. 8.h.
A ki=E1ll=EDt=E1s megtekinthet=F4:
2001. =E1prilis 4-t=F4l m=E1jus 18-ig, h=E9tk=F6znap 10-18 =F3r=E1ig.

The exhibition will be opened by
Dorottya B=FCky, Zs=F3fia Beke
Performance by
Pablo Slam (Venezuela), electronic music
Venue: Desidea Studio
1061 Budapest, Paulay Ede u. 25-27. Phone: (+36-1) 479 0118
at 6 p.m. on April 4, 2001
The exhibition will be open from April 4, 2001 till May 18, on weekkdays,
from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Bod=F3 Mih=E1ly (sz=FCl. / born 1957, Budapest)
Tanulm=E1nyok / Studies:
BME =C9p=EDt=F4m=E9rn=F6ki Kar; ELTE Filoz=F3fia szak;
Universidad de Barcelona, Szobr=E1sz szak / Budapest Technical University,
M.Sc. in Civil Engineering,  ELTE Budapest, M.A. in Philosophy; University
of Barcelona, Department of Sculpture

Ki=E1ll=EDt=E1sok / Exhibitions:
Desidea Studio (2001, Budapest), Casa Elizalde (2000, Barcelona), Galeria
Trama, Galeria Llucia Homs (1999,Barcelona)
La Belle Hortense (1998, Paris), Galeria Greca, Galeria Columna (1997,
Barcelona), etc.

El=E9rhet=F4s=E9g / contact: Bod=F3 Mih=E1ly,
tel: (36 1) 3151665, 06 70 2381251
e-mail: bodomih@matavnet.hu

A vil=E1gh=EDr=FB Torres-Garcia (TTG) m=FBhelyhez kapcsol=F3d=F3, barcelonai=
magyar szobr=E1sz, miel=F4tt fest=F4m=FBv=E9ssz=E9 v=E1lt, m=E9rn=F6ki =E9s=
tanulm=E1nyokat is v=E9gzett. Nem meglep=F4 teh=E1t, hogy a =84t=E1blak=E9p=
k=F6vet=F4 id=F4szakban olyan fest=E9szeti probl=E9m=E1k foglalkoztatj=E1k,=
 amelyek a
sz=EDnek t=E9rbeli konstru=E1l=E1s-m=F3dj=E1val, t=F6meg- =E9s fel=FCletbeli=
kapcsolatosak; egyszerre =F6tv=F6zik a fest=E9szet =E9s a rajz; az anyag=
=E9s a k=E9p (ak=E1r sz=E1m=EDt=F3g=E9pen k=E9pz=F4d=F4) megjelen=E9s=E9t; a=
 fest=E9k sz=EDn=E9t,
anyag=E1t, plaszticit=E1s=E1t =E9s fel=FClet=E9t; anal=EDzis =E9s szint=E9zi=
s; figuralit=E1s =E9s
absztrakci=F3; k=F6zel =E9s t=E1vol; tekintet =E9s l=E1tv=E1ny egy=FCttes=
egym=E1sra hat=E1s=E1t.
Beke Zs=F3fia

Before turning to painting, Bod=F3, a sculptor affiliated to the=
Torres-Garcia (TTG) workshop of Barcelona, had also studied architecture
and read philosophy. Therefore, it is no surprise that in the age following
the "death of the panel picture", he grapples with issues in painting
related to the mode of construing colours in space, their features in terms
of mass and texture that consolidate painting and drawing; the presentation
of the material (the painting) and the picture (the image generated even on
a computer screen); the colours, the substance, the plasticity and surface
of the paint; that mean, all at once, analysis and synthesis;
representation and abstraction; closeness and remoteness; sight and vision,
interrelated and interconnected.
Zs=F3fia Beke