[artinfo] telenautic aqua interference

anna balint epistolaris@freemail.hu
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 22:13:56 +0200

From: telenautik-post-lfba@topica.com

Hi all,
the Institut fuer Telenautik presents:

                           the telenautic aqua interference

                             wednesday, 13th of june 2001
                                    23:00 CET-open end
                                   live from MS Stubnitz

live from cooler 1 of MS Stubnitz (http://www.stubnitz.com).
join us there if u can, or listen at radio fsk hamburg, 93 Mhz (air) or 
101.4 (cable),
or listen & watch our stream at http://telenautik.de.
if you want to chat with us, find us on any irc-net server on #telenautik.

rebroadcasts on the web and local radio stations, as well as contributions 
be greatly appreciated. if you have questions or suggestions on this, send 
a mail
to telenautik@kunsthochschule.uni-hamburg.de

this is gonna be strictly free style improvisation on the topic of aqua, 
waves, water,
telenautics, captain nemo, moby dick, sailors, hans albers, harbours and 
the sea,
the river, and any wave that rocks you.

have fun, join us and tell your friends.

greetinx from the crew !