[artinfo] Fwd: Syndicate: Night of Muses, Romania

Andrea Szekeres asz@c3.hu
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 11:42:41 +0200

>From: "anna balint" <epistolaris@freemail.hu>
>To: <syndicate@eg-r.isp-eg.de>
>Subject: Syndicate: Night of Muses, Romania
>Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 15:35:37 +0200
>The ETNA group from Sepsiszentgeorg after presenting in the last decade some
>well known events like  Ex Oriente Lux, Medium Biennale, nine issues of the
>Ann-Art Performance Festival and the Sun Eclipse in 1999, this year charged
>a new, trendy curator.  Marcus Kosuth presents this year an Improvised
>Communication festival at St.Anna Lake in Sepsiszentgeorg. The event called
>'Night of Muses' will take place at 26th July, 2001. Bring your sleeping bag
>and your tent.
>Georg Villonage, known for the dramatic introduction of the world literature
>in some current East European Languages, EEL, Can
>Gauze Plotter, poet, underground typewriter, also known for his News Agency
>at the quai de Bem, Budapest, nomad
>Marcus Kosuth, instrument restaurator based in Vienna, his recent
>publication Dihoriada includes a GSM epistolarium, he is also a well known
>food designer, A
>OJ DNS, performance artist and poet, transnational
>Tosh Gall, graphic designer, Warsaw
>Dix Tauro, researcher of the poetic economy, international
>Ladislad Martin, writer, president of the Auctores@Scriptores Association,
>Mircea Diogenesco, media performance artist and poet, Romania
>Sirena Valentin, singer and chronicle writer, Budapest
>Peter Tingle, chief editor of Ex-Symposium review, Hungary
>* you can reach Sf. Gheorghe by Tarom flight to Bucharest + comfortable
>trains. from St.Gheorghe buses will take the guests to the St.Anna Lake.
>please keep in mind, that there is no electricity, you can jump in only with
>low-tech performances