[artinfo] [UNXposed] Siggraph
UNXposed Moderator
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 19:40:59 +0100
SIGGRAPH 2002 Art Gallery: Call for participation
The annual SIGGRAPH Art Gallery has achieved worldwide recognition for
excellence in digital and electronic art. The SIGGRAPH 2002 Art Gallery is
celebrating the creative spirit by taking a look "behind the scenes" at the
process of creating digital and electronic art. This year, the Art Gallery
is especially interested in the process that results in the work - in how a
digital artist creates.
We are seeking three types of submissions:
1. Artwork The Art Gallery is accepting submissions that provide both the
final artwork and depict the creative, conceptual, and technical processes
involved in creating the work. For details on process and how to submit your
work, please see: http://www.siggraph.org/s2002/cfp/art/artwork.html
2. Papers Proposals for papers that address the creative process will be
considered. For complete information, see:
3. Working Artists NEW! Artists will be offered a unique opportunity to work
and create art during SIGGRAPH 2002. For details on how to apply, please
see: http://www.siggraph.org/s2002/cfp/art/working.html
Deadline! Submissions must be received by: 6 February 2002 5 pm Pacific time
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