[artinfo] Fwd: art.box project (fwd)

Andrea Szekeres asz@c3.hu
Thu, 02 Aug 2001 17:33:51 +0200

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 21:50:36 +0200
>From: w.p. <czas@free.art.pl>
>To: unlisted-recipients:  ;
>Subject: art.box project
>Holidays are here. We go swimming, have excited times, visit interesting
>corners of the world. For this period let us leave a (post) box at the
>gallery and make a pledge to deliver the things we come across or create
>and consider interesting for others personally, or by friends,  by
>traditional, or electronic mail.  Let us be conscious that the thing we
>want to put into the artistic box, into which the Piwnice BWA (BWA
>Cellars) will turn for the time being, is going to travel, cross any
>borders; it might be variously prepared for its mission. After arriving
>in the site, it will become part of our collection. Out of this
>collection we are going to extract and create the show which will be
>changing and, considering its open character, probably follow various
>We are initiating the box with several works which make references to
>our group stay in Broumov, the Czech Republic. In its old brewery groups
>of Czech, Polish and German artists took part in the Criss/Cross
>exhibition. Our participation in the project was of a little different
>character than other two groups. We did not fetch any ready works. We
>brought our ideas hoping that the site would help us to specify a form
>of expression.
>Imagine a small town. At midday for one hour all shops are closed, and
>loud speakers placed in the town centre play old songs. Against such a
>setting in a corner of a small market square, at the table there is
>sitting a Norwegian called Jesper. Next to him, there is a notice board.
>It says that Jesper wants to get married and, what is more, on the day
>of the Criss/Cross exhibition opening. Well, he has not been successful
>but we have got the photo of him leaving the shop with an ice cream on a
>wooden stick. And we are thinking of putting this portrait into our
>We invite you to join our project. Surprise yourself, surprise us with
>your choice. Our (& your) address: Piwnice BWA, ul. Wita Stwosza 32,
>50-149 Wroc=B3aw Poland, and remember to subscribe ART.BOX or maot@wp.pl
>(works sent by @ mail are to be printed in A4 format)
>ART BOX artists and initiators: Piotr Czurczak, Miros=B3aw Kulla, Marcin
>Mierzicki, Marek Otwinowski, Waldemar Pranckiewicz.
>The exhibition is open till the end of holidays.
>The Piwnice BWA Gallery, 32 Wita Stwosza Street, Tue.-Th. 11 a.m. - 6
>p.m.; Fri. 12 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Sat. - Sun. 12 a.m. - 6 p.m.
>The Piwnice BWA Gallery is part of the biggest gallery in the town of
>Wroc=B3aw. This space is usually made accessible to young artists.
>Wroc=B3aw - a thousand-year old town lying on the River Odra in
>south-western Poland, a country in Europe.
>The artists: Czurczak, Kulla, Mierzicki, Otwinowski, Pranckiewicz -
>young people who like Czech bear, good fun and art.
>The latest news:
>The Piwnice BWA Gallery has uncovered its mystery: a chakra. The issue
>is to be researched by the committee including representatives of
>different art scenes. Here is the announcement on the chakra of one of
>its discoverers: Such a site is a potential, it can mix it for people, I
>mean, either help or make sick. I am for protecting the chakra before
>politicians and the army.
>Chakras - in Sanskrit cakra means a wheel - are energetic centres. They
>intervene to draw down, transform and distribute universal (divine,
>cosmic) energies in a psychophysical body of each man.