[artinfo] Ars Electronica 2003 - 3rd Announcement: Conferences (fwd)

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Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 14:02:03 +0200
From: Ars Electronica Center <announce at aec.at>
Reply-To: announcement at aec.at
Subject: Ars Electronica 2003 - 3rd Announcement: Conferences

CODE - The Language of Our Time
Code=3DLaw, Code=3DArt, Code=3DLife
Ars Electronica 2003
September 6-11
Linz, Austria

Ars Electronica 2003 - 3rd Announcement: Conferences

1. Update: CODE Symposium
2. Update: Pixelspaces
3. Update: Prix Ars Electronica Forum
4. Update: Radio FRO Conference

You are reading the third issue of the Ars Electronica 2003 newsletter, pro=
viding information about the program of the symposia at this year's festiva=
l, CODE - The Language of Our Time.

1. CODE Symposium

The several panels of the CODE Symposium being presented from September 7 t=
o September 11 will host detailed discussions of various aspects of the fes=
tival theme, CODE - The Language of Our Time.

Sunday and Monday are dedicated to rather theoretical considerations; in th=
e following panels, the presentation of artistic ideas and projects moves t=
o the top of the agenda. Protagonists of a software-based mode of artistic =
practice present their work and discuss how they utilize and deal with soft=

Key topics will include the role of industry standards, the emergence of ar=
tistic trends as a consequence of program features, efforts to achieve arti=
stic autonomy, and the aesthetics of codes.

Sunday, September 7

10:30 - 13:30 The Meaning of CODE

The first panel at this year's symposium is dedicated to an attempt at defi=
ning the term CODE in a way that encompasses its artistic, legislative and =
biological facets. At the same time, this will shed light on historical asp=
ects of CODE ranging from the book to the computer, from the codex to the r=
egulatory efforts of modern governments, and from classic, script-based com=
puter programs to evolutionary algorithms-dynamic systems that are capable =
of coming up with solutions to their own problems. What do artists, scienti=
sts and legal scholars understand CODE to be? Is it even possible to establ=
ish a generally applicable definition of this term? This kickoff of the COD=
E symposia will feature an elemental confrontation with terminological prob=
lems and issues raised by this year's Festival.

Moderation: Gerfried Stocker

Statements: Gerfried Stocker, Friedrich Kittler, Cindy Cohn, Erkki Huhtamo,=
 Peter J. Bentley

15:00 - 18:00 The Art of Code

What effects is digitization having on art? What special characteristics ar=
e displayed by code-based art? And how does this inherent, uniquely self-de=
termined expressive vocabulary of digital art manifest itself? What consequ=
ences will art as code-according to Kriesche, *alone* the generative answer=
 to the complete permeation of *all* partial realities-have for the ongoing=
 development of the arts? In which direction is artists' work with new inst=
ruments like algorithms and dynamic systems transforming the process of art=
istic creativity? Or is the concentration on CODE, this focus on the immedi=
ate basis of the technological transformation of art, proceeding along the =
wrong path, and should the confrontation with media art concentrate on soci=
al approaches-collaborative, social modes of action, the potential of conne=
ctive interfaces-without which there can be no productive and uniquely self=
-determined human activity?

Moderation: Roy Ascott

Statements: Giaco Schiesser, Richard Kriesche, John Maeda, Roman Verostko, =
Casey Reas

Monday, September 8

10:30 - 13:30 Social Code

Social activity is characterized by codes-individuals make themselves under=
stood via language and communicate with human faces as their "interfaces." =
If the new codes that have been designed and developed for interaction with=
 technical interfaces change our social and collective actions or even cont=
ribute to the development of new types of social intercourse, then how will=
 this process be played out? Which structures are influencing this social t=
ransformation? And to what extent does the design of electronic devices pla=
y a role in this connection-are users of the new technology becoming passiv=
e consumers or mature, responsible critics of their equipment? The most far=
-reaching question undoubtedly arises in connection with the current overal=
l social situation-are network linkages and mobility enhancing collective a=
ction or being applied to construct an instrument of state control and soci=
al engineering?

Moderation: Derrick de Kerckhove

Statements: Howard Rheingold, Leo Findeisen, Fiona Raby, Hans Peter Schwarz

15:00 - 18:00 Collective Creativity

Language-the code of human understanding-enabled humanity to take a quantum=
 leap of collective intelligence. How do the new possibilities of communica=
tion influence the exchange of ideas within and among societies? How does s=
oftware determine our collective creativity? Do computer programs influence=
 the way we see the world and how we think? Can there be a language of coll=
ective intelligence? And-getting down to details-what effects will the new =
Open Source and Open Standards approaches have on the further development a=
nd progress of collective creativity?

Moderation: Derrick de Kerckhove

Statements: Pierre L=E9vy, Florian Cramer, John Warnock, Marc Canter, James

please find more details online:

Tuesday, September 9

10:30 - 13:30 Tangible Code

Interaction cannot be equated per se with the process of programming, thoug=
h this holds true only in connection with the current practice of interacti=
on that, in most cases, only represents a more of less complex process of s=
election. But what will future interaction look like-a form of interaction =
that goes beyond the process of selecting one option from among several? An=
d, accordingly, how will the process of programming be defined in the futur=
e? The essence of programming could then be more than a linear, predetermin=
ed approach; it could well become more of an interactive, real-time process=
! Will such a new conceptualization create a code that is both realizable a=
nd at the same time accessible for the purpose of manipulation and reconfig=
uration-a sort of real-time compiling?

Moderation: Hiroshi Ishii

Statements: Hiroshi Ishii, Joachim Sauter, Oliver Fritz, Scott DeLahunta, J=
onathan Norton

please find more details online:

Wednesday, September 10

10:30 - 13:30 Software & Art I.

This session is dedicated to artists' relation to software. The discussion =
will investigate some of the preconditions upon which artistic work with so=
ftware-and even software itself-are based. What motivates artists to work w=
ith software; when and for what purposes do they utilize computer programs =
in their work? What outstanding characteristics are displayed by software a=
s an instrument of artistic creativity; what makes this material unique and=
 in what respect is its makeup similar or identical to that of other materi=
als? Based on how things look today, what are the prospects (new areas of u=
tilization) for the artistic use of code in the future?

Moderation: Casey Reas

Statements: Lia, Laurent Mignonnau Golan Levin / Zachary Lieberman, Alex Ga=
lloway, Ben Fry, Christa Sommerer, James McCartney, Sebastian Oschatz

Thursday, September 11

10:30 - 13:30 Software & Art II.

The consideration of software as an art form evidently raises a number of q=
uestions: can any software be considered art and, if not, where do we draw =
the line between software as art and software as a "mere" commercial produc=
t? To what extent is the identity of so-called "new media art" or digital a=
rt defined by its nature as art based on code? What are the aesthetics of s=
oftware art and how can they be assessed by traditional art-immanent criter=
ia (or should they be at all)?

Moderation: Christiane Paul

Statements: Christiane Paul, Alexei Shulgin, Olga Goriunova, Christian H=FC=
bler, Andreas Broeckmann, Alex McLean, Amy Alexander

please find more details online:

2. Pixelspaces

Monday, September 8 and Tuesday, September 9

18:00 - 20:30 Pixelspaces-DAMPF

The Ars Electronica Futurelab Symposium entitled *Pixelspaces-Sensory Envir=
onments - Immaterial Interfaces* will concentrate on an area of emphasis of=
 the Futurelab's recent work and, at the same time, a field in which the tr=
aditional arts have been increasingly converging on media art. Over the cou=
rse of the conference, participants will examine the extent to which tradit=
ional artistic institutions (such as those involved with musical theater an=
d dance) are signaling a readiness to take into account the development of =
media art, or the extent to which they are even in a position to do so. Thi=
s symposium together with Klaus Obermaier's "Dance and Media Performance Fu=
sion" (DAMPF), an interdisciplinary project dealing with the stage as a sen=
sory environment, will constitute a forum in which the theory and practice =
of the convergence of media art and dance will be consummated in artistic a=
nd technical practice.

please find more details online:

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